The following are a list of commonly used abbreviations and terms:
Term | Meaning |
Action | The term used for a Yate script or program. |
Action Debug State | A true or false flag which is set by various action statements and can be tested by the Debug statement to control the conditional display of Debug statements. |
Action Descriptive Text | An action's description is the first non empty content in a Comment, Force Grouped, Tooltip or Version statement. A search for a description is terminated at the first enabled statement which is not one of the preceding statements or an Empty Line or Constrain Execution to a Single File statement. |
Action File | The term used to describe an action which is a container. These actions are listed in the Action Manager. |
Action Runtime Setting | A setting or option for an action which is persistent and can be read and written by actions. They are usually used as configuration options for actions. |
Action Test State | A true or false flag which is set by various action statements and can be tested by others to control the flow of execution. |
APE Tags | The tag representation used by Monkey's Audio (APE) and WavPack files. |
Application Lists | There are 13 Lists of data which can be automatically and manually set by Yate. These lists are persistent and include Artist, Composer, Genre and others. There are also ten available Custom Lists. Lists are typically associated with various UI fields to provide popup information and auto-type capability. |
Array | An ordered list of items, indexed by an integer value from 0 through the number of items minus 1. Arrays are used in Yate Containers. |
Atoms | The low level representation of metadata in MPEG-4 files. |
Batch Mode | Batch mode is the operational state when running an action from the Batch Processor Wizard. |
BEXT Metadata | Metadata found in some WAV files. This is part of the Broadcast WAV format's bext (Broadcast Audio Extension) chunk. Additional information can be found in BEXT Metadata. |
Boxes | Same as Atoms. |
CCE | The Combined Credits Editor. |
Comment | A Comment is a multi-line user definable text based metadata field. There is a default comment recognized by most applications and named comments. Comment is also used to refer to an item of metadata in FLAC and OGG files. |
Containers | The only binary data type in Yate. A Container is always an Array or Object. |
Control Characters | All Unicode control characters with the exception of newline (\n) and tab (\-). All invalid Unicode characters are also included. |
Context Menu | A menu typically displayed on Mac by clicking a mouse with the Control key depressed or by doing a right click. Context menus display functions appropriate for the current context. Yate uses context menus extensively. |
Credit | A metadata field which assigns roles to people. |
CSV | Comma Separated Values. A delimited text file typically used to encapsulate data in a database representation. |
Cue Sheet (Single File) | A text file describing the position of tracks contained in a single audio file. Typically the audio file was created by a CD ripper. The cue sheet is required so that players can determine where each track starts. |
Cue Sheet (Multiple Files) | A text file describing limited metadata for multiple audio files in a cue sheet format. As each described audio track typically has a start at the beginning timing index, there is no inherent necessity for the file. |
Custom Edit Panel | A user configurable Edit Panel. These panels are configured in the Custom Panel Editor. |
Custom Field | A metadata field which has been user defined. Yate supports 100 Custom Fields. |
Custom List | Many built in fields such as Artist, Genre, Media Type, etc. can be associated with a list of items. Many of these lists have similar names to the fields in order to ease the association of the field to the list. Yate also has 10 custom lists named Custom List 1 through Custom List 10. These custom lists are available as Custom Fields can also be associated with lists. |
Database File | An external file which can be loaded and manipulated by Yate. Yate supports CSV and TSV text files. Many applications support these formats. |
Debug Panel | The panel which is displayed when a Debug statement or breakpoint is encountered in an action. |
Default Artwork | The first artwork item in an audio file. |
DPI | Dots per inch. Yate uses this interchangeably with PPI. |
Edit Panel | A grouping of a set of controls displaying fields within Audio files. There are 24 built in edit panels and 10 Custom edit panels which are user configurable. |
Edit Panel Preset Button | There are 10 edit panel preset buttons which are used to switch the current edit panel. |
Exception Set | A named list of items specifying words and exceptions to case transformations. |
Export Set | A named list of fields which can be used when producing database files. |
Field | An item of metadata available in an audio file or a tagger. |
FLAC Comment | Same as Vorbis Comment |
FLAC/OGG Comment | Same as Vorbis Comment |
Frame | An item of metadata available in audio files which store their metadata according to the ID3 specifications. |
FTT | File to Tag. |
GEOB | General Encapsulated Object |
Grouped Mode | When an action is run in Grouped mode, the entire action and the actions it calls, are run as a single group. When the entire group is finished for a single selected file, the group will be run against the next selected file, then the next, until all the selected files have been processed. |
ID3 | The ID3 specifications define a metadata container. The ID3 specification is used in AIFF, DFF, DFS, MP3 and WAV files. Note that the ID3 container is not a file format. It is embedded in an audio file. |
Inline Action | An action which is embedded in an Action File. |
Interactive Mode | In Interactive mode, actions operate in the foreground on the currently selected files. |
Key-Value Lists | Key-Value Lists are a pseudo action datatype. They are an interpretation of text in a string such that elements consisting of a key and a value are separated by an implied or explicit delimiter. |
Lists | Lists are a pseudo action datatype. They are an interpretation of text in a string such that elements are separated by an implied or explicit delimiter. Not to be confused with Application Lists. |
List Aware Field | Also called a popup field. These are fields which can be associated with a Application List. They have a popup control to the right of the field which will displayed the associated application list. |
m3u File (Extended) | An m3u file format which specifies the duration in seconds as well as a track's title in the file. More information can be found in m3u File Formats. |
m3u File (Standard) | The most common m3u file format which contains no information other than a single path reference for each file. More information can be found in m3u File Formats. |
m3u File (Yate) | A Yate twist on the m3u file format which includes a Yate Track ID for each file. This information potentially allows a Yate action to correct entries where a file has been renamed or moved. More information can be found in m3u File Formats. |
Media Type | Same as Mime Type |
MFE | The Multi Field Editor. |
Mime Type | An two part identifier used to describe content. Yate primarily uses mime types when describing an artwork item. These are typically image/jpeg or image/png. |
MPEG-4 Container | An audio file format used by M4A, M4B, M4R, M4V, and MP4 files. |
Multi Value Delimiter | The text sequence used to separate multiple values in fields. The default and recommended delimiter is ;;; |
Named Variables | Variables which are unique and have no per track association. The values in these variables are only available while running an action. |
Newline Characters | Includes Linefeed (\n), Carriage Return (\&000D), Next Line (\&0085), Line Separator (\&0028) and Paragraph Separator (\&2029). |
Normalized UDTI | A name used by Yate to represent common UDTIs which have different names in different audio formats. Yate handles the appropriate transformations when reading and writing the values. |
Object | An unordered representation of names associated with values. A name in an object's name:value pair is case sensitive. Objects are used in Yate Containers. |
OGG Container | An audio file format used to contain various types of audio streams. Yate supports Ogg Vorbis and Opus files. |
Open Mode | The Open Mode determines how Yate opens items and in some cases changes the operation of certain functions. More information can be found The Open Mode |
Persistent ID | A Persistent ID is an identifier describing the location of an audio or video file in iTunes/Music/TV. The ID is a sequence of hexadecimal digits. Yate prefixes a Music PID with an M and a TV PID with a V. |
PID | An abbreviation for Persistent ID. |
plist File | plist (Property List) files are XML files which are essentially dictionaries containing keys and values. Yate uses these files whenever it exports data. |
Popup Field | See List Aware Field. |
PPI | Pixels per inch. Often confused with DPI (dots per inch). Sometimes the two terms are used interchangeably. |
Query Database | A Database open for querying in an action has per cell addressability. |
Replacement Set | A named list of items specifying a from and to pattern. Replacement sets are typically used with renaming and case transformations. |
Runtime Settings Set | A named list of items specifying a setting and value. These sets are used to store action runtime settings. |
Staging Playlist | A Yate database file used to accumulate tracks for inclusion in an audio playlist. |
Stepwise Mode | When an action is run in Stepwise mode, every statement is effectively run in parallel on each active file, before proceeding to the next. |
System Variables | Variables which are unique and have no per track association. There are 10 System Variables. The values in these variables persist when the application is closed. |
Tag Set | A collection of fields which can be selected or deselected. A set can be marked as being inverted which implies all fields except the selected fields. Tag sets can be programmatically read and modified. |
Track Variables | There are 16 Track Variables available in every audio file named Variable 0 through Variable 15. The values in these variables are only available while running an action. |
TSV | Tab Separated Values. A delimited text file typically used to encapsulate data in a database representation. |
UD Text | Same as UDTI. |
UDTI | Abbreviation for User Defined Text Info Item. |
UD URL | Same as UDURL. |
UDURL | Abbreviation for User Defined URL. |
UFID | Abbreviation for Unique File Identifier. |
UID | Abbreviation for Unique Identifier. |
Variables | When not qualified by Track, System or Named, a Track Variable is assumed. |
Vorbis Comment | The low level representation of metadata used by FLAC and OGG files. Unlike Frames and Atoms, Vorbis Comments are case insensitive and are typically represented in upper case characters. |
Whitespace Characters | In Yate for all intent and purpose this means spaces and tab characters. |