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AcoustID Metadata for ID

This statement is used extract metadata from AcoustID data already downloaded via the Get Data from AcoustID statement.

You can choose to extract metadata for a Release (album), Recording (track) or a Release Group which is used to group several different releases into a single logical entity. You can specify that you want metadata for all of the three Id types. Two special forms exist called List which produces a list of id triplets representing all the available data. The second, Extended, produces a detailed set of information for each potential release match.

Data type = Recording, Release, Release Group or All

With the exception of the All mode, You can optionally supply an identifier. When the identifier field is empty, well known UDTIs are used as the identifier. The well known UDTIs are: MusicBrainz Recording Id for Recording, MusicBrainz Release Id for Release and MusicBrainz Release Group Id for Release Group. When All is specified, the well known locations are always used.

The identifier field may contain any of the escape sequences described in Escape Sequences.

The extracted metadata is saved as a Yate key-value list in the specified track variable. Note that this function operates as you would expect when the action is executed stepwise. Each tracks's variable field will potentially contain different data. The default list item separator \~ and the default key-value separator \k are used.

The following keys may be present:

Recording Id
The Id associated with the recording. (MusicBrainz Recording Id)
Recording Duration
The recording duration in milliseconds.
Recording Artists
The artists associated with the recording. (Artist field)
Recording Title
The title associated with the recording. (Title field).
Release Group Id
The Id associated with the Release Group (MusicBrainz Release Group Id).
Release Group Artists
The artists associated with the release (Album Artist field).
Release Group Title
The title of the release group. (Album field).
Release Group Compilation
The release is considered to be a compilation (Part of a Compilation field). Note that the value will be 1 when true.
Release Id
The Id associated with the Release (MusicBrainz Release Id).
Release Artists
The artists associated with the release (Album Artist field).
Release Country
The two character MusicBrainz country code typically stored in a UDTI named MusicBrainz Release Country.
Release Media Count
Typically associated with the Disc Count field.
Release Title
The Album field
Release Track Count
Typically associated with the Track Count field.
Release Year
The Year field.

Data type = List

The destination variable will contain a list of items describing a unique Recording, Release Group, Release which is a possible match for the track. The default list item separator \~ is used to separate the list elements. Each list item is itself a list containing three items separated by the default list column separator \,. The first item is a recording id, the second a (possibly empty) release group id and the third is a release id. By extracting the desired list items, you can use this function to determine the metadata associated with the id. Using this data you could roll your own best match algorithm.

Data type = Extended

The destination will contain a set of values for each release found in the AcoustID data. Releases are separated by the List Secondary Delimiter (\:). Each release contains the information as key-values formatted the same as for the Data type = Recording, Release, Release Group or All modes. One addition key named Score can be returned. The value is a score associated with the result. The score is represented as a value in the range of 0 through 100.