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Artwork to Folder

This function is used to save artwork to specified folders. At most one copy of an image will be saved to any one folder.

All text fields may contain any of the escape sequences described in Escape Sequences

You can elect to save all the artwork, only the first artwork item or all but the first artwork item. You can also choose to only save artwork matching a specific index, picture type or description. Note that the description tests are always performed case insensitive.

If you pass \sa for the index, it will match a single selected artwork item. More information can be found in the Accessing Selected Artwork topic.

If the Output folder field is empty, artwork will be placed in the same folder as the track which contained the artwork. You can use the Choose button to select a folder.

At runtime the path specified in the Output folder field must resolve to be one of the following formats:

The output folder will be created if it does not exists.

The name of the produced file is constructed as follows. Note that all the components are optional with the condition that at least one must be specified.

  1. The contents of the Filename prototype field.
  2. The appended name of the album from which the artwork is taken.
  3. The appended description associated with the artwork item.
  4. The appended picture type associated with the artwork item.
  5. The appended index of the artwork in its containing track. (Base 1). Note that a pad factor can be set in named variable Artwork to Folder Index Pad. Any value other than 2, 3 or 4 is treated as 1.

You can supply the delimiter to be used to separate appended items. If the delimiter field is empty space-space will be used.

If during the execution of the function a constructed filename has already been used in a given folder, (#) will be appended to make the filename unique.

Typically the filename extension need not be supplied as .jpg or .png will be used based on the mime type of the image being saved. If the filename ends with .jpg or .png, the image will be converted if required to the explicit specified type.

Note that files which existed prior to the execution of the function will be overwritten.

While implemented to be very efficient in stepwise mode, this function is valid in all execution contexts.