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Beatport Options

The options panel allows you to specify how to search and what metadata to import.

All Beatport tracks are associated with a Track Id. Stem files are also associated with a Stem Id. If you already have the Track Ids, matching is typically 100% accurate. For that reason it is recommended that you always import the Track and Stem Ids and enable the Use Track and Stem Ids if available option. The only reason to disable the option is if you feel your retained Track and/or Stem Ids are invalid. If a track ID cannot be located, Yate will automatically fall back to metadata searching. Note that when the option is enabled an item which matches an ID will have a score of 1000.

Note that when saving the Track Id as a UDTI named Beatport Track Id, Yate will also write a UFID representing the same data. The Beatport Pro application uses this UFID to preselect matches when synching. The description field of the UFID is except for MPEG-4 files where it is empty. Yate will attempt to locate Track IDs from a UDTI, a UFID or a filename.

If you enable the Automatically select matches option, Yate will automatically mark the match with the highest score for Import. Be careful here as the highest score does not guarantee a correct match. If the exact option is enabled, only a perfect match according to the criteria will be automatically marked for import.

Yate may perform numerous searches when attempting to match a track. Typically it stops after the first search which returns matches. By setting the Aggressively search for exact match option you cause Yate to continue searching unless an exact match has been found. How an exact match is determined is described below under criteria.

The Only import to empty items option does as the name implies. Non empty fields will in tracks will not be overwritten. The option is treated as 'Only import to empty items or if the value differs' when importing Track Ids, the associated UFIDs and Stem Ids.

The Append mix name to title option will format imported Title fields as: title (mix name)

You can select which key notation you wish to use.

Imported artist metadata can have more than one value. If you leave the Join sequence field empty, Yate will use the multi value delimiter as the join sequence (typically ;;;). You can specify an alternate sequence if you wish. Note that spaces are significant.

If you want to manipulate the data which has been imported you can elect to automatically run a specified action after importing.

You can select the maximum number of potential matches returned for any one search.

All returned matches which fail the criteria will have a score of 0. You can hide these items by setting the Hide matches which fail criteria setting. Note that this changes the number of matches displayed in the Status column.


When establishing matches, Yate will use the Title and Artist fields. It will also optionally use the Album field and optionally the Album field and a track's duration.

The Maximum time difference setting allows you to reject all potential matches where the number of seconds that the durations associated with tracks and matches differ by more than the specified amount. A value of Any means that no duration testing is done when determining potential matches. Potential matches which are rejected due to a duration test failure are never displayed.

When comparing a file's fields against the Beatport metadata of a returned item, fuzzy logic is used. The Weight Exception Set is used to determine which words should be ignored. You can specify a percentage threshold for each of the Title, Artist and Release (Album) comparisons. The default of 80 implies that a fuzzy match value of less than 80% should be ignored when automatically selecting a match. 0 implies that no values should be rejected. 100 implies that matches must be perfect. If all three comparisons meet the threshold requirements, the results are used to determine a score. In the case of a tie, the returned item with the smallest duration difference is considered best.

Note that you can disable the use of the Release (Album) metadata when matching. Tip: if you enable Release threshold and set it to 0, release matching will not be required but in the case of multiple matches with the same score, an item with the same release will be chosen.

When comparing Artist metadata, the respective artist fields are decomposed into individual artists by using the join sequence (or the default multi value delimiter). At least one file based artist must meet the specified threshold against a Beatport artist or the item will not be available for automatic matching. The actual artist score is a function of the number of track artists which satisfy the threshold and the number of available Beatport artists. The more artists that match, the higher the score.

An exact match is defined as either a match of an ID or each of the Title, Artist and optionally Release fuzzy comparisons return a 100% score.

Note that matches for a track are always returned in the order of highest score to lowest score. Even when two matches have the same score the order is not random as all available information is used.

Items to be Imported

The following items may be imported:

The name of the album is imported and saved to the Album field.

Album URL
A URL linking to the Beatport webpage referencing the album. You can view this item on the UD URLs edit panel with a name of BEATPORT_ALBUM_URL

The artist names are imported and saved to the Artist field.

Artist URLs
URLs linking to the Beatport webpage referencing the artists. You can view these items on the UD URLs edit panel with names of BEATPORT_ARTIST_URL{-#}

Artwork (Artist)
Download artist images. These artwork items are suppleid a picture type of lead artist/lead performer/solist.

Artwork (Cover)
Download an album image. This artwork item is supplied a picture type of Cover (front).

Artwork (Label)
Download a label image. This artwork item is supplied a picture type of Publisher/Studio logotype.

Artwork (Remixer)
Download remixer images. These artwork items are supplied a picture type of Artist/performer.

Artwork (Waveform)
Download a waveform image. Note when displaying in the Artwork Viewer you can change the background colour for more visibility. This artwork item is supplied a picture type of A bright coloured fish.

Artwork URLS
URLs linking to artwork for all available artwork. You can view these items on the UD URLs edit panel with names of BEATPORT_ARTWORK_URL_type{-#}.   type can be one of Album, Artist, Label, Remixer or Waveform.

The BPM value is imported and saved to the BPM field.

Catalog Number
The catalog number is imported and saved to the Catalog Number field.

Description (Mix Name)
The mix name is imported and saved in the Description field.

Encoding Date
The encoding date is imported and saved in the Encoding Time field.

The genre is imported and saved to in the Genre field.

Import Time
If anything is imported, a UDTI named Beatport Import Time will be written. Note that anything is imported does not necessarily mean that a file has been modified. If the Only import to empty items option is not enabled and an import is attempted this UDTI will always be written.

The ISRC is imported and saved in the ISRC field.

The key is imported and saved in the Initial Key field.

The label is imported and saved in the Label field.

Label Track ID
The label's track identifier stored as a UDTI named Beatport Label Track Id.

Label URL
A URL linking to the Beatport webpage referencing the label. You can view this item on the UD URLs edit panel with a name of BEATPORT_LABEL_URL

If there are any Beatport sub-genres they are saved to the Mood field.

Original Release Date
The original release date is saved to the Original Release Time field.

The display price is saved to the Price field.

Release Date
The release date is saved to the Release Date field.

Release ID
The Beatport release is saved to a UDTI named Beatport Release Id.

The remixer names are saved to the Remixer field.

The track title is saved to the Title field.

Track ID
The Beatport track ID is saved to a UDTI named Beatport Track Id. In order to maintain compatibility with the Beatport Pro application, the metadata is also written to a UFID.

Track URL
A URL linking to the Beatport webpage referencing the track. You can view this item on the UD URLs edit panel with a name of BEATPORT_TRACK_URL

Stem ID
The Beatport stem ID is saved to a UDTI named Beatport Stem Id.

The year is extracted from the release date and is saved in the Year field with only the year component.

Automatically displaying the Options Panel

In order to stop the automatic downloading of matches when the Beatport Importer is opened, you can enable the Always show this panel setting.