Application icon


Typically this statement is used to display a debug panel, possibly conditionally. You can also use it set the action debug state to true or false. When setting the action debug state a debug panel is not displayed.

You can configure under what conditions a debug panel is displayed. The choices are Always or only if the action debug state or action test state is true or false. More information can be found in Debugging Actions.

A displayed debug panel is used to debug actions. You can optionally specify a message to be displayed at the top of the panel. You can use simple markup sequences in the prompt text specifying colours, bold and italic. The markup sequences are described in Common Prompt Markup Functionality. The supplied prompt string may contain any of the escape sequences described in Escape Sequences.

What additional content is displayed is configured at runtime. This content includes things such as the contents of named and track variables and much more. When a debug panel is displayed there is a Configure button which provides access to the content configuration panel. The configuration panel is described in Debug Content Configuration.

The Configure button has a disclosure control which displays a menu with various runtime functions. The runtime functions are described in The Debug Panel.

You can elect to issue a beep with the prompt.

The Log option is only meaningful whan batch processing. If Log is specified, the results will be written to the Batch Processor's log file as opposed to being displayed in the Action Pending Window.

Debug Content Configuration

The Debug Panel

Debugging Actions