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Display Container Item in Log Viewer

This statement will display the item referenced in the directed path field in the Log Viewer using a monospace font. The directed path field must refer to a container or an array or object in a container. This statement cannot be used to close the Log Viewer. The Show in Log Viewer statement can be used to close the viewer.

The text field can contain any of the escape sequences defined in Escape Sequences.

Note that any container can be displayed in the Log Viewer at runtime from a displayed Debug panel.


Display the container item at 'sample.list' in the Log Viewer

Special Considerations: Please read

Yate containers are intended to be mappings to JSON data. However, Mac plist files can contain the additional data types of dates and data which cannot be represented as such in JSON. When reading a plist file with the Read/Write Plist File statement, dates and data types are retained. When converting a container to JSON text, these data types are converted to Strings.


Directed Paths