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Export Sets Qualifier Menus

Qualifying values on OOB and Variable items can be interpreted as menus which are displayed when a cell in a database menu is double clicked. Note that the qualifying field is ignored if the item is marked as being a Yes/No value. When an item in the displayed menu is selected, it will overwrite the contents of the cell in all selected rows. The menu is specified as a list of items separated by / characters. For example a qualifier of test1/test2/test3 will be displayed as a menu with three items. Empty items are ignored and leading and trailing spaces are removed from each item. There are special sequences which can be encoded:

A leading / at the start of the qualifying field
Inline editing is disabled. eg: /test1/test2/test3

An item which is a single dash (-)
Displayed as a menu separator line. eg: test1/-/test2/test3

An item which begins with a period (.)
The associated cell will be set to empty when the menu item is selected. The leading period will not be displayed. eg: .empty/test2/test3

Sequences of two underscore characters (_) in an item
Each sequence will be replaced with a tab character. When these menu items are selected only characters before the first tab will be inserted. eg: A__Apply/R__Remove

It is far easier to edit these menus by selecting an item in the export set; clicking on the Q button and then selecting Edit Menu. When editing in the displayed panel, you can use newline characters as opposed to / characters. If you want inline editing to be disabled in a cell, you must still place a / at the start of the text field. Tabs may be entered using the Tab key. All other formatting remains the same. When the displayed text is coalesced back into a single line, empty lines will be ignored.

Settings - Export Sets