Application icon, Cover Art Archive, Discogs Settings

The, Cover Art Archive and Discogs artwork searches may require MusicBrainz Release Ids to initiate or complete the search. You can enable the searches to automatically fingerprint, download AcoustID data and import the Ids if required, prior to searching by setting the Auto fetch missing ids option. Note that Album, Artist, Title and Year metadata is not imported, single track matches are permitted and tracks which are missing Album metadata are omitted.

These artwork search function may result in there being more than one album cover. You can automatically remove all but one Cover (front) item by setting the Only keep the largest album cover option.

After searching is complete, the functions all normalize specified artwork types common across all tracks in an album. You can select or deselect all artwork types from the table's context menu. You can also manually select specific types to be normalized.

While normalizing, tracks with empty Album fields will be ignored. The normalization function accumulates all unique artwork items by type within an album and causes every track to have a copy of each accumulated item. Uniqueness implies the same image data, description, picture type and mime type. The Media (CD Label) type is only replicated within same numbered discs.

The functions will also sort images in the following order: Cover (front), Other, Cover (back), remaining picture types in list (numeric) order. Images of the same type are sorted in descending pixel count.