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Link to Apple App

An attempt will be made to link all selected files which are not currently linked and are file types supported by Apple applications.

If the Ignore errors option is selected, errors will not be reported. You can use the Compare Numeric statement with a property of Is Linked to determine if an error occurred.

The default linking method is based on searching for metadata contained in the tracks. If you have previously linked a track and have retained the Apple App PID, you can elect to link via the retained information. This functionality will work on tracks which have little or no metadata. You can drag the tracks from an Apple application to Yate, linking them, and save the PID for later use. Note that a retained PID has no meaning in any library other than the one from which it was obtained. Further, rebuilding an Apple application's library will invalidate any retained PIDs. The PIDs are retained in a UDTI named Apple App PID.

Note that it is possible in Settings - Apple Apps to specify that you prefer linking by PIDs. If that option is set and a PID is present, it will be used even if Use Retained PIDs is not set. You can override the setting for PIDs via the Modify Application Settings statement.

The Save Apple App PIDs convenience statement can be used to retain a PID after linking normally.

The Remove iTunes PIDs convenience statement can be used to remove saved PIDs.

Depending on your Settings - Apple Apps settings, it is possible that certain metadata is automatically imported to the tracks after successfully linking.