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List to CSV Data

This function operates in one of two ways: it either converts a single list to a CSV row, or it converts a list of lists to multiple terminated lines of CSV data.

If the column delimiter is empty at runtime, a \, sequence is assumed. The column delimiter is the delimiter separating fields in the source data.

The row delimiter is optional. If it is empty a single list is being converted to a single row of CSV data. If it is not empty, it is assumed that the source list contains items representing each row of data. Multiple lines of CSV data will be stored to the result named variable. When a row delimiter is specified, entirely empty list rows will be ignored.

All text fields support Escape Sequences.

The source and destination fields must both be named variables or track variables. When executing stepwise and using named variables, the statement is only executed once. When using track variables each file is processed separately. The delimiter fields are only unescaped once.

See CSV Data to List to convert CSV data to a list.