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Load & Run

This statement is used to load an audio file and to run an action against it. The On audio file field must resolve to be an absolute path at runtime after standardizing the path. The field may contain Escape Sequences.

The specified audio file will be loaded immediately prior to calling the action and will automatically be closed when the action terminates. Note that modifications to the file will not automatically be saved. You must execute a Save statement if you want to preserve modifications.

The action test state will be set to true if the file was successfully opened. If the file cannot be opened the action test state will be set to false. Note that any action test state which is set by the run action will be lost.

Note that the file is always loaded, even if it is already open. If you are running interactively and the file is open and modified, the changes will not be in the loaded copy.

When a new action is run, the current execution mode is maintained. This means that if the current action is being run stepwise, the new action will run stepwise. If the current action is being run grouped, the new action will run grouped. There is no concept of forcing the action to be run grouped as on the Run statement as only a single file will be available when the action is run. The action is only run once when initially running stepwise.

The statement can specify that the named action is inline. When Run Inline is specified there must be a Start statement inside the current action with the specified name.

The Indirect option enables the use of Escape Sequences in the text field where you specify the name of the action to be run. This enables you to choose the action to be run based on the contents of any constructed pattern. The action name is only validated at run time. If the evaluated name is empty, the statement is ignored. You can setup lists using the various list statements to contain the names of actions; inline or not. By using the List Item At Index/Sublist statement, you can pull an action name and place it in a variable which can then be specified in the statement.

Note: if you want to conditionally exit from the action directly called by the Load & Run statement it is recommended that you do not use any flow control statement other than Exit, Cancel or Stop to terminate the action. Statements such as Break, Exit Repeat, etc. may not work as expected due to the special run context established by this statement. If you must perform a specialized exit, return a flag to the calling action in a variable.