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Logical Set

This function is used to perform logical operations on the Action Test State, named variables and track variables. Each function saves a True (1) or False (0) result. Note that the destination does not have to be different from the specified operands.

When named variables are used, the name fields may contain any of the escape sequences described in Escape Sequences.

Each operand is treated as being true if it has a case insensitive value of true or a non zero numeric value. Everything else is treated as false. This statement does not perform bitwise operations. The following functions are available:

True only if both operands are True.
True only if either operand is True.
True only if the operand is False.
True if only one operand is True.
True unless both operands are True.
True if both operands are False.
True if both operands are True or both are False.

When executing stepwise and the destination is not a track variable, the function is only performed once.