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Lookup Credit

This function is used to test if a specified credit is known by the Combined Credits Editor.

The supplied credit may contain any of the escape sequences described in Escape Sequences.

The function is only executed once per set of files while executing stepwise.

The action test state is set to true if the credit is known, otherwise it is set to false. See the ~ code below for a possible partial match. Three special named variables are also set:

Lookup Credit Alias
If the known credit is an alias of another, it will be specified here. The named variable will be cleared otherwise.

Lookup Credit Name
Credit names are case insensitive. This named variable will contain the credit's name as specified in the known credits list.

Lookup Credit Status
Information on the known credit will be returned as a sequence of characters in this named variable. The following case sensitive codes may appear:
The credit is a known Discogs credit.
The credit is a known MusicBrainz credit.
The credit is a known Roon credit.
The credit is user defined.
The supplied credit is only matched if its [qualifier] is removed.
The credit has a default mapping to the Involved People field.
The credit has a default mapping to the Musician Credits field.
The credit is marked as being mapped to the Conductor field.
The credit is marked as being mapped to the Composer field.
The credit is marked as being mapped to the Lyricist field.
The credit is marked as being mapped to the Remixer field.