Application icon

File to Tag

File to Tag will extract metadata from file names. The File to Tag menu lists all user defined File to Tag templates. Selecting a template will run it against the currently selected files. If the Option key (configurable in Settings - General - Advanced - Modifiers to display function submenus) is held when a menu item is selected, a submenu with the following items will be displayed:

The file to tag template will be displayed in the appropriate template editor.

The file to tag template will be highlighted in the appropriate settings section.

The name of the file to tag template
The selected file to tag template will be applied.

The menu may also display a submenu called Actions. Any action which is marked as being on the File to Tag menu in the Action Manager will be included in this menu. This is a convenience to quickly locate actions which are designed to extend the capabilities of the File to Tag mechanism. Selecting an action will run the action.

By default, selecting an menu item on the Actions submenu will run the associated action. If the Option key (configurable in Settings - General - Advanced - Modifiers to display function submenus) is held when a menu item is selected, a submenu with the following items will be displayed:

This menu item will open the selected action in an Action Editor window.

This menu item will open the Action Manager and the selected action will be highlighted.

The name of the action
If selected, the displayed action will be run.

You can find additional information in Settings - File to Tag.