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The Multi Field Editor

The Multi Field Editor provides a convenient means of doing various text manipulations on one or more fields. The Multi Field Editor always works with the current file selection.

The top of the window displays a list of all the field types supported by Yate. This is where you select which fields you want to edit. Note that not all fields are valid for every function in the editor. When a field which is not valid for a particular function is selected, it is ignored. The count in the banner of the leftmost column, is the number of fields which are selected. You can easily select all, unselect all and invert all items in the list by right clicking in the list and selecting the appropriate menu item. You can also save the current set from the context menu. You can load a saved tag set, created in the application settings, from the context menu.

Typically you are specifying the fields that you want to process. It is also possible to specify those fields that you do not want to process. You change the mode by clicking on the button at the right of the table's header bar. The table's field column displays the current mode. The all but mode makes it easy to handle the case of custom fields being added in the future. More information can be found in the Field Selection Modes in Tables topic.

Clicking on the 🌐 button will open the Action Updater. Actions targeted to the Multi Field Editor will always be listed, even if already installed). This is a quick means of identifying new Multi Field Editor actions. Note that other actions with available updates will also be listed.

The following functions are supported:







Find & Remove


Remove & Insert



Sort Form



A list of all actions with an M association in the Action Manager is displayed. These are intended to be actions which provide simple text manipulation to the fields currently selected in the Multi Field Editor's list of fields.

The Actions function provides a means of extending the capabilities of the Multi Field Editor by allowing you to run the listed actions. Note that when running an action from the Multi Field Editor, the Action Manager's All Files, Always and Hidden columns are ignored.

You can display a popup window which contains an action's description by means of the Description... context menu item. (Only available if there is a description). An action's description is the first non empty content in a Comment, Force Grouped, Tooltip or Version statement. A search for a description is terminated at the first enabled statement which is not one of the preceding statements or an Empty Line or Constrain Execution to a Single File statement. Hitting the space bar has the same effect as selecting the menu item.

You can also display the online resource documentation (if any) by means of the Resource Documentation... context menu item.

You can open the action for editing via the Edit... context menu item.

You can highlight the action in the Action Manager via the Show in Action Manager... context menu item.

Double clicking on an action item is equivalent to clicking on the Run button.

More information on constructing actions to be run in the Multi Field Editor can be found in Running Actions from the Multi Field Editor.

You can click on the 🌐 button to import actions designed to extend the functionality of the Multi Field Editor.

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The Case function is used to change the alphabetic case of text in the fields selected in the field list. See Alphabetic Case Transformations for more information.

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The Clear function will completely erase the contents of the selected fields. Whenever a field type has more than one item, all of the items will be erased.

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The Credits functions allow you to perform modifications on the Involved People and Musician Credits fields. This is the only Multi Field Editor function which ignores the list of fields panel. You must specify if you want to modify the Involved People or Musician Credits field. While all of this functionality can be performed in the Combined Credits Editor, this is a convenient alternative method of working on the fields.

If the Multi Field Editor is launched from an Involved People or Musician Credits field's function button, this Credits function and the appropriate field will automatically be selected.

The disclosure buttons to the right of the Credits and People fields, display a menu representing the current values in all selected files. With the exception of the Rename functions, inserted values are appended using a comma delimiter. The menus will display all representations of an item, however the functions are always case insensitive.

An control clears the contents of field to the left of the control.

If you want the Credits or People fields to be larger, resize the window.

The following functions are available:

Remove Credits

The Credits field describes the case insensitive names of one or more credits, separated by commas, to be removed. Remember that all credits are treated as case insensitive regardless as to how they are displayed in the credits menu.

Remove People

The People field describes the case insensitive names of one or more people, separated by commas, to be removed. Remember that all people are treated as case insensitive regardless as to how they are displayed in the people menu.

Note that if removing a person results in an empty credit, the credit is also removed.

Remove Credits for People

Any person listed in the People field which is associated with a credit in the Credits field, will be removed. Both fields can contain multiple items separated by commas. Remember that all credits and people are treated as case insensitive regardless as to how they are displayed in the credits and people menus.

Note that if removing a credit for a person results in an empty credit, the credit is also removed.

Remove Empty Credits

Credits with no people or people with an empty credit will be removed.

Add Credits

Every person listed in the People field will be associated with all credits listed in the Credits field. Both fields can contain multiple items separated by commas.

Combine Fields

The credits across all selected files will be merged such that they will be the same in all files. All existing credits are preserved. This function is always case, diacritic and width insensitive.

Rename Credit

The case and diacritic insensitive credit in the From field will be replaced with the representation in the To field.

Rename Person

The case and diacritic insensitive person in the From field will be replaced with the representation in the To field.

This function displays an All option. When enabled, the function will be performed on Involved People and Musician Credits.

Sort Only

No function is performed except for the sorting of the field.

After any of the above functions are performed the working field will be resorted. You can choose None (which will leave the representation however it ended up after performing the function ... possibly non deterministic). You can also choose to sort the Credits, People or both. You can also elect to merge all people associated with a single credit into a single line or to list them one person / credit.

You can used the preview button to display all current Musician Credits and Involved People values in the Log Viewer. The fields are displayed with credits and people sorted and no merging. Note that the preview persists. See Involved People/Musician Credits Preview for additional information.

The Auto clear fields will automatically clear the contents of the function's data fields whenever the Modify Credits button is hit.

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The Copy function is used to copy the contents of a selected field or property to the chosen destination fields. You can elect to copy only if the source data is not empty and/or if a destination field is empty.

Note that actions are available which extend the Copy functionality so that a named Comment or UDTI can serve as the source of the copy. You can click on the 🌐 button to import the actions. After importing, the actions will be displayed in the Actions section of the Multi Field Editor.

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The Exchange function swaps the contents of two selected fields. This is the only function which does not use the list of fields at the top of the window.

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Find & Remove

The Find & Remove function is used to look for an occurrence of a pattern in a field and to remove all text either before or after the matched pattern. The text representing the pattern may optionally be removed.

The Case insensitive checkbox, when selected, specifies that alphabetic case should be ignored when searching.

The Diacritic insensitive checkbox, when selected, specifies that diacritic marks should be ignored when searching.

The from end option specifies that the last occurrence of the pattern should be matched as opposed to the first.

Assuming the supplied pattern is found, the following applies:

The following lines describe the effects of the Remove, before and after checkboxes when the pattern is My and the searched field's value is 01-MyAlbum-02.

Remove, before
Remove, after

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The re-encode functionality is described in the Re-Encoding Text topic.

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Remove & Insert

The Remove & Insert function will remove a counted number of characters at a specified index from the beginning or end of a field. It will optionally then insert a string at a specified index from the beginning or end of the modified field. If you do not wish to remove characters before inserting, set the number of remove characters to 0. If you do not wish to insert anything, leave the then insert field blank. Please note that the indexes start from 0 not 1. When from the end is specified, the last character is at index 0, the next to last character is at index 1, etc. When inserting from the beginning, characters get inserted at the specified index. When inserting from the end, characters get inserted after the specified index. Note that only the insertion text field will process escape sequences.

If you want to remove the first five characters, specify:
Remove 5 characters at index 0 from the beginning

If you want to remove the two characters before the last character, specify:
Remove 2 characters at index 2 from the end

If you want to insert after the first character
Insert text at index 1 from the beginning

If you want to append text
Insert text at index 0 from the end

If you want to insert text immediately before the last character
Insert text at index 1 from the end

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The Replace function replaces matched text in the selected fields with new, possibly empty, text.

There are four modes of replacing:

Match String
In this mode you are looking for occurrences of the from pattern string.

Match Words
In this mode you match whole words only. For the purposes of this function a match whole word test fails if:
Match Characters
In this mode you are looking for individual characters in the from pattern. If found they are replaced with the replace pattern.

eg: If the Title field contains a1b2c3

   Replace "0123456789", match characters in the Title field with "#"

will change the Title to a#b#c#

Match Regex
In this mode you are attempting to match a regular expression in the replace field. The with field contains the replacement template. Both text fields have appropriate escape sequences on their context menus. The Preview button provides access to the Regular Expression Tester.

You control what and how much text gets replaced by choosing one of:

Replace all occurrences of the matched pattern.

Replace only the first occurrence of the matched pattern.

At Start
Replace only one occurrence of the matched pattern and only if it is at the very start of a field.

At End
Replace only one occurrence of the matched pattern and only if it is at the very end of a field.

Replace only the last occurrence of the matched pattern. Note this option is not supported when matching words.

Replace all occurrences of the matched pattern at the very start of a field with one occurrence of the replacement text. Note this option is not supported when matching words.

Replace all occurrences of the matched pattern at the very end of a field with one occurrence of the replacement text. Note this option is not supported when matching words.

This option is only valid when matching characters. Any sequence of characters in the from pattern is replaced with a single occurrence of the replacement text.

You can select Case insensitive and make the function case insensitive when matching the Replace text. When matching characters the function is always case sensitive.

You can select Diacritic insensitive and make the function ignore diacritic marks when matching the Replace text. When matching characters or a regular expression the function is always diacritic sensitive.

When replacing via contains, starts with or ends with you can specify Match words. In this mode you match whole words only.

You can specify that you want to match and replace one of a number of supplied strings by specifying the Or matching option and separating the strings with | characters. Replacements will be successively attempted with each string in the supplied list. If one of the strings is matched, the Or matching will terminate immediately after the replacements are applied.

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The Set function allows you to set fields to specific values. The text field's context menu allows the insertion of a subset of the escape sequence described in Escape Sequences. Using these escape sequences you can set a field to the current or initial value of other fields.

There are three modes:

The unescaped text pattern completely overwrites the selected fields.

The unescaped text pattern is prepended to the selected fields.

The unescaped text pattern is appended to the selected fields.

If the Comments field was selected the following pattern world set each file's Comments field to: artist - album - year.

\[Artist] - \[Album] - \[Year]

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Sort Form

The Sort Form function is used to set or remove sort formatting or to sort multiple items in one or more fields. There are seven modes to the statement which are described in the Sort Form action statement.

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The Trim function is used to remove characters in one or more character sets from specified fields. Note that Remove Invalid is a special mode which performs a context appropriate removal of invalid characters for each of the selected fields. For more information see the Remove Invalid Characters action statement. Note that the Default processing mode is always used.

When Remove Invalid is not selected, the functionality is the same as the Trim action statement. The contents of the custom character set can be configured via the gear button to the right of the custom checkbox.

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