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On Cancel

Typically in an action you have complete control over the execution flow. You can make choices on what to do at any given time based on the results of previous statements.

The five Prompt statements (Ask, Debug, Prompt, Prompt for File or Folder and Prompt for Path) all allow a user to cancel action processing. When this happens action execution is immediately terminated.

This statement offers you at least two recovery scenarios. You can specify that when cancelled in this manner you want to do the following:

Retain Current State
This is the default mode and in essense, nothing is done.

Revert to Initial State
This effectively will cause a Revert statement to be executed.

Revert to Editing State
This effectively will cause a Revert to Editing State statement to be executed.

The method set on this statement stays in effect until action processing is terminated or another is executed. When running through the Batch Processor, the effect of the statement persists across all executed instances of the action. This means, if executed in the Batch Start inline action, the effect will persist until batch processing terminates.