This function will remove an item from an open query database.
Click here for information on identifying an open database.
The key is used to identify the item to be removed. If the key field starts with #, it should be followed by an integer in the range of 0 through Query Database Row Count-1 which is a named variable initialized when the database was opened. This form species an absolute row number to be removed. Note if the database was opened Keyless, this is the only way an item will be removed. This statement supports a special form of the # format:
index is the index of the first row to be deleted. count is the number of rows to be deleted. eg. #3,4 will delete rows 3, 4, 5 and 6. If count specifies too many rows for the database or is less than 0, all rows until the end will be deleted. eg. #10,-1 will delete all rows at or after index 10.
Both fields may contain any of the escape sequences described in Escape Sequences.
The statement is only executed once for all execution modes.
The action test state will be set to true if an item was removed. If the item cannot be located, the action test state will be set to false.
Note that the Query Database-Row Count named variable which was created when the database was opened, will be decremented.