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Rename Cue Sheet File

If you are renaming or moving a file containing multiple tracks and it has an associated .cue file, this action will rename the .cue file to have the current filename. This statement uses the Retained Path 1 and Retained Path 2 properties to determine if a rename is warranted. Note that it only makes sense to execute this statement after a Rename or Move statement.

Note that the statement will not move a .cue file. If you are moving a track and you want the .cue file to follow, execute a Move Non Audio Files statement prior to executing this statement.

On a per track basis, the action test state is set to true if no rename was attempted or a rename was successful. If a rename failed, the action test state will be set to false. The test state is meaningless if you are executing stepwise on more than one file.

Note that the .cue file must have the same name as an audio file before the rename or move occurred.