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Restart Batch Processor

The Batch Processor, when executing in its normal state of processing a folder and all its nested subfolders, has three phases:

Batch Start
During this phase the Batch Start inline action is executed. This is prior to executing any files in the folder structure.

Folder Processing
In this phase every folder containing audio files is processed.

Batch End
In this phase the Batch End inline action is executed. Before this phase starts, all non Query Database files, created or opened, are closed. Query database files are still open.

The Restart Batch Processor statement allows you to restart processing folders. The statement is only valid in the Batch End phase. The Batch End phase will terminate and the Folder Processing phase will begin again. Note that when the Folder Processing phase finishes, the Batch End process will be run again.

You can use this statement to construct complicated actions where more than one pass through the files is required. Remember that open Query Databases are not closed when this statement is executed.