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Call AppleScript Function

The Call AppleScript Function statement provides a programmatic means of invoking AppleScript Functions. The statement always calls a function in the provided AppleScript content. The function can be passed any number of string parameters.

The called function can return nothing, a single value or a list of values. The returned values must be capable of being represented as strings. If they cannot they will be replaced by an empty string. Passed parameters can be decomposed in the AppleScript into lists by separating the components based on a delimiter. The same holds in reverse for returned values.

All text fields may contain any of the escape sequences described in Escape Sequences. The following fields are available:

Function name
This is the name of the AppleScript function which is to be called. It is perfectly valid for the function to call others.

The field is a named variable which contains the AppleScript statements. Any number of functions can be in the script. The main part of the script, outside of any functions, cannot be called.

This field is optional. If present, it contains a list of parameters to be passed to the function as strings. The field can be displayed in a multi-line editor by clicking on the control to the right of the field. Occurrences of the effective delimiter are changed to newline characters when displayed and changed back to delimiter sequences after editing. Be careful to avoid adding extra trailing delimiters. These cannot be automatically removed as empty parameters are valid.

This field is only used if the Parameters field is not empty. It is the delimiter used to separate the runtime unescaped list in the Parameters field. If a delimiter is required and the field is empty, the default list delimiter (\~) is used.

Return values
If the called function returns values they are stored to the named variable specified in the field. Returned items in the list are always delimited by the default list delimiter (\~).

The action test state will be set to true if there are no errors. The action test state will be false if any errors occurred. Named variable Container Error will contain the errror text. If the Stop action on error option is enabled, the action will be terminated with an error message in the case of an error.

When run stepwise the statement is only executed once.

Assume that named variable script contains:

on RevList(p1, p2, p3)
    set alist to {p1, p2, p3}
    set rList to the reverse of alist
    return rList
end RevList

The following statement:

Call AppleScript Function RevList(a\~b\~c) delim(⏎) --> 'res' content='script'

Will set named variable res to:


The following example describes how to decompose parameters:

Assume that named variable script contains:

on RevList(stringList, delim)
    set oldDelimiters to AppleScript's text item delimiters
    set AppleScript's text item delimiters to delim
    set alist to every text item of stringList
    set AppleScript's text item delimiters to oldDelimiters
    set rlist to the reverse of alist
    return rlist
end RevList

The following statement:

Call AppleScript Function RevList(a,b,c,d,e,f\~,) delim(⏎) --> 'res' content='script'

Will set named variable res to:


Note that two parameters were passed: a,b,c,d,e,f and ,. The called function converts the first parameter to a list.

Note that the script can be written and debugged in Script Editor. You can either copy and paste the text or read it using a Read Text File statement. Note that a .scpt file cannot be read by Yate. You have to export the script as a text file which produces a .applescript file which can be read by Yate.

...and there is no reason to use AppleScript to reverse a list. The List Manipulate statement can reverse lists.