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Searching Help

Yate displays its help in a browser. If you want to search across all the application's help files, you can use the Help menu's Search Yate Help... item.

You can specify that the entered search pattern is to be considered Case Insensitive and that matches are to be performed as Contains, Starts With or Word Boundaries.

For a list of all help topics specify * as the search pattern.

When a help topic is located which contains at least one match for the pattern, its title will be displayed in the Topics table on the panel. You can display an associated help topic by double clicking on a Topics title or via the table's context menu's Display Topic item. Note that the specified pattern is always placed in the clipboard.

Once a help page has been opened in a browser, you can use its native find functionality to look for the pattern. If the Position option is set, Yate will automatically issue the find command. The positioning of the find match in a browser might not exactly represent the first match made in Yate. The search box in most browsers is always case insensitive. Safari may only be set to Contains or Starts With. Other browsers such as Chrome are always Contains. The activation of the find command is timing based. If it's not working for your browser, do not use the Position setting.

You can bookmark a help topic for quick retrieval via the Topics tables's Bookmark Topic context menu item. You can display topics listed in the Bookmarks table via its Display Topic context menu item or by double clicking the title. From the Bookmarks table's context menu you can also remove a single or all bookmarks.

You can change the size of the display font via the Font menu.

You can use the control to the left of the search bar to force the window to an always on top mode. When the control displays - the window operates normally. When the control displays ⬆︎ the window is always on top.

Depending on your OS version, you may be asked to grant Yate permission to control Safari, if Position is set.