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Show / Hide Columns

This statement is used to show or hide a column in a database. The changes are made directly to the sidecar (.plist) file. This statement should not be used on an open database.

The path may contain any of the escape sequences described in Escape Sequences. At runtime, the path to a database must be absolute (/) or relative to the home folder (~/). Regardless of the filename extension in the path, .plist is assumed.

The specified named variable contains a key-value list specifying the columns which should be changed. Items in the list can be separated by a newline (\n) character or the default list delimiter (\~). Keys can be separated from values by the default key-value delimiter (\k). If an item does not contain a \k character the last = character in the item will be used as the delimiter.

Keys are the name of a column. Remember that column names are case sensitive.

Values describe if the column is to be shown or hidden. A value of true or a non zero integer, implies that the column should be shown. A value of false or 0 implies that the column should be hidden.

Items with invalid keys or values are ignored as are items with invalid column names.

If changes are made the action test state will be set to true. If any errors occur or if no changes are made the action test state will be set to false.