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Stop Action and Run Batch Processor

This statement will stop the current action and launch the Batch Processor. The text fields may contain any of the escape sequences described in Escape Sequences.

The action name is only validated at runtime.

The folders field, after unescaping, is treated as a list of folders delimited by newline characters (\n) or the default list delimiter (\~). All folder specifications must be absolute. ie. they must begin with a / character.

You also set the state of the Auto save file and Verbose log options. The values cannot be changed by the user at runtime. Further, the values become the defaults as if the user had set them when manually running the Batch Processor.

The statement is not valid while running in the Batch Processor.

Assuming that the Batch Processor can be started (no pending saves of files or databases, etc.), the Batch Processor will start and the user will be presented with the information specified in this statement. At that time the user can elect to Cancel or Start. You can configure the batch process to start immediately, in Settings - Actions by setting the Enable Batch Processor auto start from Stop Action and Run Batch Processor option.