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Test Run Context

This statement is used to determine if the current action run context supports the following execution contexts:

If the current action run context supports the specified context, the action test state is set to true, otherwise it is set to false.

The statement can also be used to test where the execution is taking place and where it was started. The following tests are available:

Started Action
Test if the initially started action is executing. This will return false if an inline action is executing.

Not Started Action
Test if the initially started action is not executing.

Started Action File
Test if execution is taking place anywhere in the started action file. ie. inline actions will not return false.

Not Started Action File
Test if execution is currently in a file outside the initially started action file.

Run from Multi Field Editor
Test if the action was started from the Multi Field Editor.

Example 1: Interactive+Grouped will return true if the current action run context is both Interactive and Grouped.

Example 2: Grouped will return true if the current action run context is Grouped (Batch or Interactive).

You can elect to cancel action processing if the specified context is not supported. When this is the case, you can optionally specify a note to appear on the posted error message. The note can contain any of the escape sequences described in Escape Sequences.

The statement can also be supplied a context of Always Fail. Primarily intended for special uses, this mode will always fail. Note that this test always cancels!