Application icon

Window Menu Items

Swap File List and Edit Panels
This menu item swaps the locations of the file list and edit panels. If you prefer the edit panels on the left and the file list on the right of the window select this item.

Show/Hide File Browser
Either displays or hides the File Browser panel.

Move File Browser to Right/Left
Flips the File Browser display between the extreme right and left of the main window. This item is only available if the File Browser is displayed.

Enable/Disable File Browser Information Area
Either enables or disables the File Browser Information Area. This item is only available if the File Browser is displayed. The information area can display audio information on a single selected file or a common default artwork item for all selected files. This item is only available if the File Browser is displayed. The Audio Information Panel auto-hides if the required criteria is not met. A popup version of the audio information panel can be displayed at any time by right clicking on a file in the file list area and selecting Audio Information from the context menu.

Display Audio Info / Artwork in File Browser Information Area
Selects which content is displayed in the File Browser information area when displayed. This item is only available if the File Browser is displayed and the information area is not disabled.

When audio information is displayed and a Stem file (stem.mp4) is selected, double clicking in the panel will display the stem metadata. If a WAV file is selected and it has BEXT Metadata metadata, double clicking will display the metadata. A popup version of audio information panel can be displayed at any time by right clicking on a file and selecting Audio Information from the file list area's context menu or by selecting a single file and doing a View>Audio Information. The audio information is only displayed when a single audio file is selected in the file list.

When artwork is displayed it represents a common default artwork item in all selected files. The image has a context menu item named Get Info. Selecting the menu item will display a panel presenting the image's properties. The property panel can be dismissed by the Escape key. Double clicking on the image will display a full artwork edit panel. The choice of which panel to display is made as follows:

  • If the Artwork edit panel is mapped to an edit panel preset button, it will be displayed.
  • If a custom edit panel containing a full artwork display is mapped to an edit panel preset button, it will be displayed.
  • The Artwork edit panel will be displayed on an empty edit panel preset button, if available.
  • The Artwork edit panel will be displayed on the last edit panel preset button.

Show/Hide Toolbar
Displays or hides the toolbar

Show/Hide Title Bar
Displays or hides the title bar. Only available on OS X 10.10 Yosemite or greater. Note that this does not automatically change the desired icon size on the toolbar. The toolbar icon size may be set by the context menu displayed when you right click on the toolbar.

Customize Toolbar...
Used to customize the toolbar content