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Involved People / Musician Credits Helpers


The following actions are provided:

Add name(s) to a Role in Involved People
The action adds one or more comma separated names to a particular role in the Involved People field. The role to be modified (or created) is supplied in a named variable called Role. The list of names to be added is supplied in a named variable called Names.

Add name(s) to a Role in Musician Credits
The action adds one or more comma separated names to a particular role in the Musician Credits field. The role to be modified (or created) is supplied in a named variable called Role. The list of names to be added is supplied in a named variable called Names

Move Involved People Items to Musician Credits
The action moves roles from Involved People to Musician Credits. The roles to get moved are supplied in two lists in the actions. These lists controls role names which must match exactly and those which can be partial matches. You must edit the lists in this action to whatever you want to move.

Move Musician Credits Items to Involved People
The action moves roles from Musician Credits to Involved People. The roles to get moved are supplied in two lists in the actions. These lists controls role names which must match exactly and those which can be partial matches. You must edit the lists in this action to whatever you want to move.

Names assigned to Involved People Role
This action returns a per track list of names associated with a role in the Involved People field. The role is supplied in named variable Role. The list of names is returned in Variable 1 for each track.

Names assigned to Musician Credits Role
This action returns a per track list of names associated with a role in the Musician Credits field. The role is supplied in named variable Role. The list of names is returned in Variable 1 for each track.

Remove a Single Name from a Role in Involved People
This action removes a particular name from a specified role in the Involved People field. If the role no longer contains any names, it is removed. The role is supplied in named variable Role. The name to be removed is supplied in named variable Name.

Remove a Single Name from a Role in Musician Credits
This action removes a particular name from a specified role in the Musician Credits field. If the role no longer contains any names, it is removed. The role is supplied in named variable Role. The name to be removed is supplied in named variable Name.

Split Roles with 'and'
This action processes the Involved People and Musician Credits fields looking for roles separated by 'and'. eg: Guitar and Banjo=John Doe. The action separates the roles into individual items.

Content List:

Action: Add name(s) to a Role in Involved People

Action: Add name(s) to a Role in Musician Credits

Action: Move Involved People Items to Musician Credits

Action: Move Musician Credits Items to Involved People

Action: Names assigned to Involved People Role

Action: Names assigned to Musician Credits Role

Action: Remove a Single Name from a Role in Involved People

Action: Remove a Single Name from a Role in Musician Credits

Action: Split Roles with 'and'


Yate v3.15


2017-01-04  First release.


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