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Combined Credits Functions

This function operates on every selected track's Involved People and Musician Credits fields as if they were being editing in the Combined Credits Editor. You can selectively enable the processing of simple fields (Artist, Album Artist, Composer, etc.), by enabling the Process simple credits option.

The following functions are available. Note that when more than one is selected they are applied in a left to right, top down order.

Apply to all files
Credits found in any track will be applied to all files.

Remove qualifiers
Some credits imported from Discogs have qualifying text enclosed in square brackets following the role's name. This function removes the qualifiers. Note that some Roon predefined credits have qualifiers.

Remove empty credits
All items which have a name with no associated role will be removed.

Resolve Aliases
All items where the credit name matches an known credit with an alias, will be changed to the alias name. For example with the supplied known credit data, Acoustic Bass will be changed to Base (Acoustic).

Resolve non standard mappings
Any item which has the same role as a known credit will be mapped to the Yate field associated with the known credit. eg. a credit of Guitar mapped to Involved people will be changed to map to Musician Credits.

Resolve non standard simple mappings
Any item which has the same role as a known credit associated with a built in Yate field will be moved. eg. a credit of Composer mapped to Involved people will be moved to the Composer field.

Resolve empty credits
Any empty credit in Involved People will be associated with Administrator. Any empty credit in Musician Credits will be associated with Performer.

Apply alphabetic case of known people
All person names will be looked up in the Artist list. If a match is found, the saved artist's alphabetic case will replace whatever was entered.

Apply alphabetic case of known credits
All credits which match known credits will have the known credit's alphabetic case applied.

Merge duplicates into Involved People or Musician Credits
Any credit items which are found in both Involved People and Musician Credits, will be merged. The merged item will be in any files referenced by any of the unmerged items.

Save Unknown
All credits which cannot be associated with a known credit, will be saved as a known credit with the item's name and associated field mapping. Note that while the Combined Credits Editor supports the application of an alias, this cannot be done in this function.

You can saved an encoded copy of the results to named variable Combined Credits Functions Results via the Produce a results list checkbox. The results are a list where each credit is separated by the default list delimiter (\~). Each element in the list is itself a list with three items. The list column delimiter (\,) separates the items. The items are as follows. Note that extraneous spaces are displayed to make it more legible.

#   ➤   credit name   ➤   person name

where # is one of:

Involved People
Musician Credits
simple field

sample output:

M➤Guitar➤Bob⏎I➤Producer➤Jill⏎S➤Album·Artist➤Bob & Jill