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Ignore Files

There are various ways to determine which files can be procesed when executing grouped. When you are executing stepwise, all files which were passed to the action are processed. There are times when you might wish to ignore certain files. For example an album has a bonus track which you might not want to be processed when executing a Renumber Tracks statement. Ignored files are files which are essentially removed for consideration when processing. When files are removed, the File Index and File Count properties will change for the remaining (not ignored) files.

Files can only be ignored and restored when running stepwise. However, the effects of the visibility apply to subsequent grouped execution.

The Ignore Files statement removes files from consideration if a specified track variable is true (non zero numeric value) or false (zero numeric value). The ignored files will not be further processed. This statement can be used successively if desired.

When any of the following conditions are met, the statement is ignored and the action test state is set to false, otherwise it is set to true.

It is a good idea to test the action test state after every call to this statement. Assuming that it worked can be dangerous!

You can restore the set of initial files by executing a Restore Initial Set of Files statement.

Note that the original set of files is effectively restored when an action terminates.

Additional information can be found in the File Availability topic.