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The More Info Edit Panel

This edit panel has info fields which we couldn't fit on the Info edit panel.

A brief description of the fields is given below. This text is largely taken from the ID3 specifications:

The 'Subtitle/Description refinement' field is used for information directly related to the contents title (e.g. "Op. 16" or "Performed live at Wembley"). This field is also used to store Beatport mix names.

Initial Key
The 'Initial key' field contains the musical key in which the sound starts. It is represented as a string with a maximum length of three characters. The ground keys are represented with "A","B","C","D","E", "F" and "G" and halfkeys represented with "b" and "#". Minor is represented as "m", e.g. "Dbm". Off key is represented with an "o" only. The previous text describes the ID3 method of displaying the key. The data can be reformatted for different representations from the function button to the left of the field. The available formats are: ID3, Open Key, Beatport, Pretty and Camelot.

The 'Language' field should contain the languages of the text or lyrics spoken or sung in the audio. The language is represented with three characters according to ISO-639-2. Multiple entries are specified by separating them with the multiple value delimiter defined in Settings - Audio or may be entered one per line in the advanced editing display for this field. The language code for don't care is xxx.

Release Time
The 'Release time' field contains a timestamp describing when the audio was first released.

Original Release Time
The 'Original release time' field contains a timestamp describing when the original recording of the audio was released. Yate uses this field to store the year of the earliest release when earliest release information is extracted from AcoustID data.

Tagging Time
The 'Tagging time' field contains a timestamp describing then the audio was tagged. You can quickly set this field to now by clicking on the Set to Now button. You can also configure Yate to automatically set this field each time a file is being written. See Audio File Settings - Set Tagging Time whenever file is written.

Content Advisory
This field is only valid with MPEG-4 files. It reflects the Apple App content advisory. Possible values are empty for none, Clean or Explicit.

Original Filename/Title
The ID3 intent is that the 'Original filename' field contains the preferred filename for the file, since some media doesn't allow the desired length of the filename. The filename is case sensitive and includes its suffix. In practice, the field is used by Yate to store an original title when earliest release information is extracted from AcoustID data.

The field is typically used when synching the Apple App Category field. It is available for whatever use you wish.

Original Album
The 'Original album/movie/show title' field is intended for the title of the original recording (or source of sound), if for example the music in the file should be a cover of a previously released song. Yate uses this field to store an original album name when earliest release information is extracted from AcoustID data.

The 'Mood' field is intended to reflect the mood of the audio with a few keywords, e.g. "Romantic" or "Sad".

Set Subtitle
The 'Set subtitle' field is intended for the subtitle of the part of a set this track belongs to.

Work Name
This field is intended to be mapped to Work in the new classical fields introduced in iTunes 12.5. Note that these classical fields are processed differently for MPEG-4 files and other supported Apple App file types. See Settings-Apple Apps for additional information.

Movement Name
Another classical metadata iTunes v12.5 or greater field.

Show Work Name
The setting maps to iTunes 12.5's Show Work/Song name setting. When set, Apple Apps will display the Work name as opposed to the Song name (Title) for its Name field. When setting this field via an action use 1 for checked and 0 for unchecked. While other application may support this field, iTunes and Music only support it in MPEG-4 files.

Movement Number
Another classical metadata iTunes v12.5 or greater field.

Movement Count
Another classical metadata iTunes v12.5 or greater field.

User Defined Text Information
If any UDTIs are present in the audio file a link will be displayed which will take you to the appropriate content view.

iTunes 12.5 added support for marking a track as loved or disliked. You can save the setting in Yate, regardless of your usage of iTunes or Music. Click the associated button to cycle through the values of ... (not set), Loved and Disliked. When multiple selected files have different values, ??? will be displayed. When setting this field via an action, use the values of 0 for not set, -1 for disliked and 1 for loved.

You can constrain the control to cycle only between ... (not set) and Loved. The Settings - File List - Disable Disliked in the Loved Checkbox setting enables this mode. If a track is marked as disliked via an action or a menu, the control will still display Disliked. The setting only controls the range of values set when clicking the control.

Additional Information:

Opening files and the Open Mode ... Controlling what gets opened

The Main Window

The Current Selection, the Editing State, Red Light Green Light and What's With All Those Round Coloured Buttons

Multiple Items and Multiple Values

The Custom Panel Editor