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Action Pending Window

The Action Pending Window is displayed when a condition which warrants your attention is raised during the execution of an action or a prompt category statement is executed. There is help available for specific prompt category action statements in the swction at the bottom of this page. This document describes the window when displayed by a non prompt action statement requiring attention.

The window displays the reason for the interruption. It will also display the action step (statement) which was executing and the name of the file which was being processed. The name of the executing action is displayed in one of the two possible forms:

When executing a non inline action
action name (line number)
when executing an inline action
action name (line number in containing action)

If you have corrected the issue, you should select Continue. Continue will once again run the step which caused the problem.

Skip Step, will cause the action to resume on the step following the one which raised the issue. If you check Skip for all files, the step will be ignored for all files as opposed to only the file which raised the condition. When an action is executing in Grouped mode, the Skip for all files option will not be available. See How Actions Execute for more information.

Note that the reason field is a scrolling field and that the window may be resized.

Selecting Cancel Action will terminate the execution of the action.

Note that the font size of the displayed reason can be made bigger or smaller.

You can control if the Action Pending window is auto resized when displayed. This can be done in Settings - Actions and when the window is displayed by right clicking on the icon and toggling the current setting. If auto resizing is enabled by this method, the window will resize immediately.

Be careful: when this window is displayed you can modify the metadata of the selected files.

Prompt Statements which display in the Action Pending window:




Prompt for Fields

Prompt for Text

Prompt from Container