Application icon

Advanced List Settings

This panel allows you to configure various alternate non standard delimiters to be used with application lists. Note that you are configuring lists and not fields on this panel. Every field associated with a list you configure here will inherit the lists settings. The panel describes a set of shared settings common to the Combined Credits Editor (CCE) and Application Lists.

When entering text into a field which has auto-saves enabled, you can choose to automatically standardize the text on the saved representation in the associated list. The standardization will occur when the field loses focus or Return is entered. The functionality is enabled via the Standardize on list items when typing setting. The option is ignored if the field being modified does not have auto-saves enabled.

The use of alternate delimiters is largely a visual preference. They do not replace the multi-value delimiter. However, they can affect how sequences of names are separated when reconstructed by various functionality. The multi-value delimiter is still the preferred means of separating items as it is very deterministic. However, we know that in many instances the use of commas is desirable. Note that the multi-value delimiter is the only delimiter which properly identifies lists of items when writing to the audio files.

If a multi value delimiter sequence is found in a field, the application will treat that as the only source delimiter regardless as to what alternate delimiters you specify. If the multi value delimiter is not found, one or more values can act as alternate delimiters.

The panel is divided into two sections. The Non Standard Delimiters field on the left is used to describe a shared set of alternate delimiters. The table on the right describes the per list settings. Note that the set of delimiters is case insensitive.

You can enter alternate delimiters one per line in the Non Standard Delimiters field. Empty lines are ignored. Spaces are significant before or after leading or trailing non alphanumeric characters. When a delimiter begins or ends with an alphanumeric character, Yate ensures that word matching occurs. A Comma followed by a space is a different delimiter than a comma. To make is easier to identify spaces in the Non Standard Delimiters field they are replaced with centered-dot characters. Sequences of more than one space character are always treated as a single space. If multiple spaces are found adjacent to each other, they will be ignored.

If your delimiter of choice is a comma and the word "featuring" is sometimes present which may or may not be followed by bracketed text, use the following delimiter list:


The next example specifies a comma followed by a space and a few more delimiters, including feat followed by a period as a delimiter:

,·              type a space for the · character
·&·           type a space for the · characters
feat.         The . is a period

The non standard delimiters are ignored whenever a field being processed contains a multi-value delimiter. Also if the associated list has an item which matches (case insensitive) the field, the item will not be decomposed. For example if the Artist list has an item named Crosby, Stills, Nash & Young and the Artist field contains the same name, it will not be decomposed regardless of the non standard delimiters.

The table to the right of the panel allows you to specify how each available application list interprets the non standard delimiters. The out of the box values provide alternate delimiter functionality to the CCE but not to list / field editing functionality.

A list set to Never will not use the non standard delimiters. A list set to CCE will only use the non standard delimiters when the list is accessed by the CCE. A list set to Always will use the non standard delimiters for all functionality.

On a per list basis you can set alternate delimiters to be used when reconstructing lists of items. The Write Delimiter column describes the delimiter that should be used when the application has to reconstruct a list of items due to changes automatically made. Note that spaces are significant unless the field is entirely blank. If the field is blank, the multi value delimiter is used. You can also specify a Last Delimiter. Again, spaces are significant unless the field is entirely blank. Last Delimiter when specified, will be used as the delimiter between the last two items. The Last Delimiter is ignored if the Write Delimiter field is empty. As in the Non Standard Delimiters field, spaces are replaced with centered-dot characters in the Write / Last Delimiter columns to make them easier to identify.

For example if your prefer credits to be specified as name, name, ..., name & name, specify Write Delimiter as space, and Last Delimiter as space&space.

The delimiter fields can be used to quickly change delimiters to mult-value delimiters. eg.

Simply selecting an Artist field containing Bob Dylan, Johnny Cash and hitting the Return key will change the text to Bob Dylan;;;Johnny Cash. This assumes the default multi-value delimiter (;;;). Further Bob Dylan and Johnny Cash will be added to the Artist List if not already present.

You can use the table's context menu to apply a single column's value to all selected rows. Right click on the value you want to replicate and choose the Apply to All Selected item.

The context menu has another item called Restore Defaults. This will reset the table such that there are no delimiters specified and all credit oriented lists will be set to CCE.

Using an alternate Write / Last Delimiter sequences can have undesired results. Please read the section below which describes what to expect.

The following section describes what to expect for all available means of editing.

Directly editing a field on an edit panel

Editing a field via a function button's Choose Value item

A function button's Add to List item

A function button's Add to List Ignoring Alt Delims item

A function button's Remove from List item

Editing a field inline in the file list

Modifying a field via the Multi Field Editor

Modifying a field via the Snapshot Editor

Manually adding a field to a list
Editing a list item inline in the list

The Fill Application Lists action statement

The Standardize on List Items action statement

The Application List Functions action statement

The Combined Credits Editor