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Settings - Video

Fields which pertain to video are typically hidden when there is no video track in a file. If for any reason you want to set any of the video fields, even when there is no video track, you can enable the Always display video fields setting. This setting controls the display of video only fields on the Video edit panel and when doing a snapshot. Note that if you are displaying the Video edit panel when this setting is changed, the changes will not take place until the file selection changes or you exit and re-enter the video panel.

Apple applications do not replace values in their libraries when refreshing a file and the associated tag is not present. For example if iTunes has an Album Artist value, when refreshing the audio file it does not find an Album Artist tag, it will retain the current value. Yate typically does not write empty tags to files. It gets around the refresh problem by programmatically telling the appropriate application to set the required field to empty. The Classification, Video Definition, Show Description and Network Name cannot be programmatically set. If you want iTunes/TV to detect a change to an empty state, the empty tags must be written to the files. The Write empty video fields setting will write empty values for the fields but only if a video track is present in the file.

Actor credits are stored in the Musician Credits field. If you wish you can disable the merging of credits for Actor and Cast. This may make the list of credits easier to read as each person will occupy a single line.

The TV application clears the Year field if the data in the file is not formatted as yyyy-mm-dd. The Normalize the Year field if required setting will correct invalid Year formats and fill missing months and dates with a 01. The setting is ignored unless the Media Type field is TV Show, the file contains video and the Mac OS version is greater than 10.14.

The Process iTunMOVI for files with video option provides additional integration with Apple applications when processing video files. iTunMOVI is a file component which contains information about the video. When the option is set, Yate will extract role and studio information from the component. When writing files, Yate will modify or synthesize the construct. The Musician Credits, Involved People and Label fields are affected. The Label field will receive the studio name. For more information on how Musician Credits and Involved People are affected click here.

You can override the free space settings specified in Settings-Audio-Common with alternate settings for files containing video. If Override audio free space settings is not enabled, the audio settings will be used.

Yate has the ability to speed up lengthy writes of video files. More information can be found at Fast Video Rewrites.

When freeing space in MPEG-4 files, typically only free space somewhat adjacent to the tag area is removed. When you set the Aggressively remove free space option, all root level free space is removed. This includes the free space introduced by the Fast rewrites setting. Note that this is a potentially lengthy operation if any free space is actually removed. The effect of this functionality ensures that it is only performed once.

Settings Used by theMovieDB Importer

You can control how the accumulated credit information is sorted by means of the Musician Credits and Involved People sorting drop down control.

You can control how the cast information downloaded from theMovieDB is formatted:

This encoding contains a minumum amount of information, only the actor's name, and will should display correctly in iTunes/TV if you have set Settings-Audio Files-Process iTunMOVI for files with video.
Actor=name (character)
This encoding retains the character name associated with an actor. It should display correctly in iTunes/TV if you have set Settings-Audio Files-Process iTunMOVI for files with video.
This encoding treats the character name as the role. These items will not be displayed in iTunes/TV regardless as to how the Settings-Audio Files-Process iTunMOVI for files with video option is set.
This encoding treats the person name as the role. This is somewhat non-standard for Yate but might be how you wish to view the data. These items will not be displayed in iTunes/TV regardless as to how the Settings-Audio Files-Process iTunMOVI for files with video option is set.

theMovieDB importers can extract video classifications. If you wish you can enter a list of two character country codes, optionally separated by spaces, to set your preferred countries. Note that alphabetic case is ignored. Items at the start of the list are given a higher priority than items at the end of the list. If the list is empty, no classifications will be imported.The complete list of two character country codes can be referenced at the following links:

Nations Online

The multi value delimiter is rarely used in conjunction with video files. While commas are a natural separator for some fields such as Artist, some users prefer an alter delimiter string to join Genre values. An alternate delimiter can be specified.