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Search for Artwork

This statement is used to search for missing artwork or for artwork which is smaller than a specified size. Artwork searches are always based on a file's first artwork item. The search template can be chosen from the popup list or manually entered. The only reason to manually enter the template name is if you wish to specify the name at runtime. The template field may contain any of the escape sequences described in Escape Sequences.

The default method is to test if either of an artwork item's width or height is less than the specified size. If you wish the test to fail only if both the width and height are less than the specified size, select the w & h option.

If a search is issued, action processing will be paused and the Action Pending Window will be displayed. If you find artwork you like, you can drag it in to the artwork tab and continue action processing. Alternately, you can cancel the action step or skip the step.

When checked, the Once option tells Yate to only perform the search functionality once per set of files. The Once option only applies when Batch Processing in stepwise mode and is intended to minimize output to the log.

The Continue option provides a means of launching more than one search at a time. When Continue is set, the Action Pending Window will not be issued. If batch processing, the item will not be logged. To launch more than one URL for searching do the following:

The following special conditions apply: