The Profile Manager is used to create, view and edit profiles. It is also used to launch an album search or metadata extraction with a profile other than the default profile. A profile contains import settings controlling what and how metadata is imported.
The text field of the Profile Manager panel describes the name of the profile being manipulated. When the Profile Manager is first started and there is a default profile, its name will be displayed. The names of all defined profiles will be on the panel's popup menu.
The Create/View button will either create a new profile or display the settings in an existing one. A Panel will be displayed on which you can change settings and run the Album Search or Extract Metadata actions.
You can make the displayed profile the default by selecting Set as the Default Profile from the panel's menu. The current default profile, if any, is displayed on the panel's menu byits name being preceded with a checkmark. When you directly run the Album Search or Extract Metadata actions, the default profile is always used.
You can delete the profile named in the text field via the panel's Delete Profile menu item. You can also remove the association of a profile being the default via the Set No Default Profile menu item.
Profiles are maintained as Action Runtime Setting sets. If you want to duplicate a profile you can do so in Preferences - Runtime Settings.