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Apple Music Suite

The Apple Music actions are designed to provide various means of extracting metadata from Apple Music. On tracks purchased from the iTunes store this process is simpler.

A number of actions are provided but only three are user accessible.

AM: Profile Manager

The Profile Manager is used to create/edit/delete profiles used by the search and extract actions. You can configure as many profiles as you wish but you must have at least one. There is also the concept of a default profile which can be directly accessed. More information on the Profile Manager and profiles can be found in The Profile Manager.

When editing a profile, this action can directly run the other two.

AM: Extract Metadata

When you purchase albums from iTunes the tracks have an Apple Music Playlist ID. This ID provides sufficient context to locate the album in the appropriate iTunes store. Purchased tracks also have an Apple Music Catalog ID which can be used to properly map files to individual tracks. Yate stores both these IDs as UDTIs.

This action only processes files with an Apple Music Playlist ID. All other files are ignored. It will attempt to import metadata for each unique Apple Music Playlist ID in the selected files. When called directly, the default profile is always used.

When files do not contain an Apple Music Catalog ID a mapping panel will be presented, if necessary, to allow you to change the file to track mappings.

Whenever per track metadata is imported an Apple Storefront UDTI will be written to the files. When this action is directly started, a consistant Apple Storefront value across all files will supercede the storefront specified in the profile.

Note that as with the Discogs and MusicBrainz wizards, you can elect to run an action whenever metadata is imported. You configure this in the Profile Manager.

AM: Album Search

This action groups selected files according to the profile settings and performs an album search for each grouping. You enter a query which is typically the album or artist name. A database will be presented with each album which satisfies the query. You would then select a single album in the results and continue.

At this point, the Apple Music Playlist ID will be stored in the files and the AM: Extract Metadata action will be called to import the metadata.

This action emulates the Discogs and MusicBrainz wizards with the added ability to work on more than one album at a time.


You must create at least one profile before you start. If you want to import metadata for files purchased from the iTunes store, you can directly run AM: Extract Metadata. If you want to search for albums you would run the AM: Album Search action.

All panels presented by the various actions have a help button which provides browser based help for the panel.

Post Processing after an Import

If you wish you can specify an action for a profile's Post Import Action field. The specified action will be run automatically each time something is imported.

The following extension actions are provided:

AM Extension: Remove HTML from Description Field
The Description field downloaded from Apple Music sometimes has embedded {X}HTML sequences. This action strips them out and performs a few other modifications.

Any variable of <br> will be replaced with a \n sequence. Note that this may cause the Description field's displayed text to be blue as \n is technically invalid. However, it doesn't hurt and inserting newline characters where intended makes the description easier to read. Escaped < and > sequences are unescaped.

AM Extension: Save Artist Artwork to Folder and Remove
Imported artist artwork is saved as an artwork item with a picture type of Artist/performer and a description field which is the artist's name. This action saves all artwork items with a picture type of Artist/performer to a sub folder named Artist Artwork. The sub folder will be in the same folder as the tracks. The saved artwork items are then removed from the tracks.

AM Extension: Save Artist Artwork to Parent Folder and Remove
This action is exactly the same as AM Extension: Save Artist Artwork to Folder and Remove, with the exception that the Artist Artwork subfolder is placed in the folder above the one containing the tracks.

A sample container action named AM Extension: Sample Extension Container is provided which runs the first two of the provided extensions. If you want to manually create your own container action, perform the following steps:

If you want to use the AM Extension: Sample Extension Container action, a profile's Post Import Action field must be set to AM Extension: Sample Extension Container.

If you want to modify the AM Extension: Sample Extension Container action it is recommended that you duplicate and rename the action. Subsequent action updates may overwrite AM Extension: Sample Extension Container.

Content List, Requirements & History

Content List:

AM: Extract Metadata

AM: Album Search

AM: Profile Manager

Action : AM Helper: Create New Profile Obj

Action : AM Helper: Skip Selected Files

AM Helper: Extract Metadata via Playlist ID

AM Helper: Extract Profile Metadata

AM Helper: Get Album Metadata

AM Helper: Patch Profile

AM Helper: Present Mapping Results

AM Helper: Profile Container to Runtime Settings

AM Helper: Results to Database

AM Helper: Runtime Settings to Profile Container

AM Helper: Search for Album

AM Helper: Skip Selected Files>

AM Extension: Remove HTML from Description Field

AM Extension: Save Artist Artwork to Folder and Remove

AM Extension: Save Artist Artwork to Parent Folder and Remove

AM Extension: Sample Extension Container


Yate v6.16


Date Version Information
2021-12-04 v1.0 First release.
2022-01-09 v1.1 Added warnings if AM: Extract Metadata was run and no tracks have an Apple Playist ID. Bug fix: If grouping tracks by the Album field and a track had trailing spaces in the Album field, the track would not be processed.
2022-05-18 v1.2 Added support for Artist artwork and URLs. Request limit is now selected from a popup list. The post processing action can now be selected from a popup list.
2023-01-02 v1.3 Added placeholders to editable config settings.
2023-06-30 v1.4 Changes for Yate v6.16. Fixed a bug where after searching, the per track data might not be imported.


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