Application icon

Composer AKA

Quite often when an artist composes and performs a song, the composer name differs from the artist name. for instance McKinley Morganfield (aka Muddy Waters).

This action supports the maintenance of a preference list used to contain composer names and aliases. The actions can fill the Composer field.

The action uses one or more of the ten custom preference lists. Prior to v4 of this action you had to have a preference custom list renamed to Composer AKA. Starting with v4 you can use any custom preference list, renamed or not.

Every item in the list has the following format:

composer name (aka alias name))

For example:

McKinley Morganfield (aka Muddy Waters)

The first time you run the action you will be asked to select a list. If you ran an earlier version of this action and you have a custom list named Composer AKA, it will automatically be selected.

The Composer AKA Functions action, displays a panel as follows:

Main Panel

The panel's title bar describes the name of the current list being used.

Selected files are processed in groups. Tracks which have the same non empty Composer field and Artist field (case insensitive) comprise a group. If you have more than one track with an empty Composer field you will be asked if you want to handle them one at a time or grouped by artist.

The Alias row is initially set to the current group's Artist field.

The Composer row is initially set to the current group's Composer field and the Apply Alias function is automatically performed. The Apply Aliases function is defined later.

The drop down control to the right of the Composer row displays a menu containing the contents of the Composer preference list and all composers in the selected tracks. The drop down control to the right of the Alias row displays a menu containing the contents of the Artist preference list and all artists in the selected tracks. Menu items will be appended to the associated text field using the multi value delimiter (;;; unless you have changed it).

The Track Title row displays the name of a track if only one track is being processed. If more than one track is being processed a Track List row will be displayed where the control at the right of the field will display a menu of the tracks being processed.

The Total Tracks row displays the number of tracks which were selected when the action was started.

The Processed row displays the number of tracks which have already been processed. ie. the tracks in previous groups.

The Processing row displays the number of tracks in the current group. When Processing is 1, the title of the track being processed will be displayed. When greater than 1, a Track list line will be displayed. The menu disclosure control at the right of the row will display a list of the tracks being processed.

For each group the Group Composer and Group Artist rows display the contents or the Composer and Artist fields extracted from the files when the group was first displayed.

The rows under the Associated Aliases and Associated Composers row is a list of all list items which reference any item displayed in the Composer and Alias rows.

The Save button saves the value in the Composer row to the Composer field for all files in the current group. The next group will automatically be displayed if there is one or the action will be terminated.

The Skip button skips the files currently being processed and proceeds to the next group, or exits if there is none.

The menu displayed by the control at the right of the Update button contains the following functions:

Menu Panel

Add to list name List
This function will create a list item using the contents of the Composer and Alias rows. The text is treated as case insensitive as it is in all functions performed by this action. If an item already exists in the list it will be overwritten. Note that a single composer can have many items with different aliases. The composer is also added to the preferences Composer list typically accessible as a drop down control to the right of the Composer field in the main window's Credits edit panel.

Remove from list name List
This function will remove a list item corresponding to the contents of the Composer and Alias rows ... if it exists. Note that the composer is not removed fom the preferences Composer list.

Apply Aliases
The Alias row is treated as a list with items separated by the multi value delimiter. Any item in the list which is an alias located in the current custom preference list will have all associated composers appended to the Composer row, if not already present. Any occurrences of the alias in the Composer row will be removed.

Apply content of Highlighted Associated Row
The menu item is only displayed if any associated rows are displayed. You must select (highlight) a single associated row before selecting the function. The function will append the highlighted row's alias and composer to the contents of the Alias and Composer rows. If the alias is in the Composer row it will be removed.

The Restore sub menu contains items to restore the displayed values of the Group Composer row, the Group Alas row or both of them.

Refresh Associated Rows
This function will regenerate the associated rows from the values currently displayed in the Composer and Alias rows.

list name Items
Displays the list of currently available items. Selecting an item will fill the Composer and Alias rows with the extracted content. If either of the displayed Composer or Alias rows ends with a multi value delimiter or the Option key is pressed or the always append mode is enabled when a menu item is selected, the content will be appended using a multi value delimiter as the separator.

Reverse list name Items
Displays the list of currently available items reversed. ie. sorted by the alias. Selecting an item will fill the Composer and Alias rows with the extracted content. If either of the displayed Composer or Alias rows ends with a multi value delimiter or the Option key is pressed or the always append mode is enabled when a menu item is selected, the content will be appended using a multi value delimiter as the separator.

Change list to
The displayed sub menu contains the current names of the nine custom preference lists not currently being used. Selecting a list name makes it the current list.

The Update button performs the following three functions:

The Exit button, allows you to terminate the action at any time.

The Always append when selecting an item from the list name list checkbox sets or clears the always append mode.

Content List, Requirements & History

Content List:

Composer AKA Functions


Yate v6.16


Date Version Information
2022-08-08 v1.0 ... Early versions written for a single user.
2022-09-02 v3.0 First general release.
2022-09-12 v4.0 Support multiple lists.
2022-09-17 v4.1 Introduction of dynamic menus stopped the 'forward' and reverse lists from being filled.
2023-06-307 v4.2 Updated for Yate v6.16


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