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Move to Alpha


Many people stage their downloads and only move the tracks to their final destination after tagging. This sample action assumes that you are moving tracks to a structure where a single character path component contains the final representation. The following being most common.

base path/x/album artist/album spec/title spec.ext


Originally introduced in 2014, the Move to Alpha action is somewhat dated due to the expanded capabilities of rename templates over the years. As people can still be using it, the action is retained more or less with its original functionality ... however the action has been renamed Move to Alpha - Original. The action named Move to Alpha Take Two is as the name implies a newer take on the action.

Both supplied actions move non audio files with the audio files.

Table of Contents

Move to Alpha

Move to Alpha Take Two

Move to Alpha - Original

This action is designed to be run from the UI. ie. not the batch processor.

The album spec and title spec portion of the moves is handled by a supplied rename template. The template must include a single Folder Start token which is followed by an Album token. The template defines the Album path component and the filename formatting. A sample rename template named Sample: Move to Alpha rename template is included which is defined as follows:


The configuration panel appears as follows:


The configuration is run whenever required information is missing or is invalid; if the Option key is pressed; the action is started with no selected files; or the Always show this panel setting is enabled. Hel is available on a per row basis by selecting a row and hitting the spacebar. The following items can be configured:

Remove leading articles in Album

If enabled, leading articles defined in the Preferences - Exceptions - Natural Sort Set (S) will be removed from the Album path component.

Remove leading articles in Album Artist

If enabled, leading articles defined in the Preferences - Exceptions - Natural Sort Set (S) will be removed from the Album Artist path component. Enable this if you want The Rolling Stones to be filed under R as opposed to T.

Album Artist field multi value delimiter handling

This setting defines how you want to handle items in the Album Artist field separated by the multi value delimiter.

No Change will not modify the field.

Truncate will remove all items except for the first.

Setting will use the logic associated with the Preferences - Rename - Multi Value Delimiter Substitution setting. If empty, truncation will occur, otherwise the setting's content will replace the multi value delimiter sequence as the delimiter.

Custom will enable the next setting so that you can supply a non empty sequence to replace the multi value delimiter sequences.

Custom delimiter

You can specify any non empty delimiter to be usd when Remove leading articles in Album Artist is set to Custom

Handle digits as unique

When enabled, artist names which start with a digit (0-9) will be treated as a unique folder. If not enabled, these names will be lumped into the others folder.

Digits folder name

When Handle digits as unique is enabled, you can specify the name for the digits folder. If the field is empty, !digits will be used.

Others folder name

You can specify the name for the others folder. If the field is empty, !others will be used.

Destination base folder

You have to select a base destination folder.

Rename template

You have to select a rename template. This template is used to define how the album and filename path components are constructed.

Always show this panel

The configuration panel is always displayed if the setting is enabled.

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Move to Alpha Take Two

This action can be run from the UI or the batch processor.

In this variant all folder paths are specified in the rename template. Futher, most settings in the Move to Alpha - Original action are also now handled in the rename template.

A sample rename template named Sample: Move to Alpha rename template is included which is defined as follows:


Note that the template handles the Album Artist path component by removing leading articles and by substituting occurrences of the multi value delimiter (;;;) with a comma followed by a space. Further, the encoding is forced to Latin-1.

The rename template has advanced settings as follows:


The configuration panel appears as follows:


You can specify the source of the alpha folder to be the Album Artist or Sort Album Artist field. If Sort Album Artist is specified and the field is empty Album Artist will be used. If Album Artist is used, leading articles are temporarily removed before extracting the character.

Other settings are interpreted the same as in the Move to Alpha - Original action.

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Folder: Move to Alpha Actions

Move to Alpha - Original

Move to Alpha Take Two

Rename Templates:

Sample: Move to Alpha

Sample: Move to Alpha Take Two


Yate v6.17


Date Version Information
2014-09-28 v1.0 First release.
2014-10-31 v1.1 Updated to handle non English languages better.
2014-12-03 v1.2 Minor optimizations based on Yate v3.2.1 changes.
2015-02-09 v1.3 Documentation changes.
2018-04-03 v1.4 Updated for Yatev4.0.
2023-01-02 v2.0 Redesigned to be more configurable.
2023-08-13 v2.1 Fixed an issue where the destination folder was not validated.
2023-10-05 v3.0 Renamed Move to Alpha to Move to Alpha - Original.

Added Move to Alpha Take Two and an Always show this panel setting in Move to Alpha - Original.


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