This action will attempt to clean all files identified as having errors in a log file produced by Audio File Health Check. Note that no attempt is made to fix the simple 'convention' type errors such as multiple items having the same description field.
This version of the action must be run in immediate mode ... not in the Batch Processor. The action does not need any audio files to be loaded in order to run, in fact any loaded audio files will be closed when the action finishes. This is because the action dynamically loads audio files and the initially loaded files may represent earlier content.
The action can be easily run via:
Actions>Run Repair Files from Audio File Health Check Log.
The action produces a crash safe log file which is written to:
~/Documents/Yate/AFHC Repair Log.txt
The log file can optionally be opened in the Log Viewer when the action completes.
Content List:
Actions: Repair Files from Audio File Health Check Log
Yate v7.0
Date | Version | Information |
2015-09-05 | v1.0 | First release. |
2015-09-12 | v1.1 | Updated to support the Batch Processor's Data File Processing mode. |
2015-09-25 | v2.0 | Supports Audio File Health Check v1.1. Fixes major issues where some files were being skipped. |
2016-09-17 | v3.0 | Updated for Yate v3.14. |
2016-09-20 | v3.1 | Forgot to bump version test to Audio File Health Check v1.2 |
2016-10-24 | v3.2 | Included text to describe what to do if the action does not support the latest version of Audio File Health Check. |
2016-10-26 | v3.3 | Added status updates and crash safe tracing. |
2018-01-02 | v3.4 | Added the auto-renaming of mp3 files with incorrect m4a filename extension. Requires Audio File Health Check v1.3. Added file tracing and the moving of Fatal files. |
2018-04-03 | v3.5 | Updated for Yate v4.0. |
2018-05-22 | v3.6 | Updated for Yate v4.1. Supports Audio File Health Check v1.4. |
2018-11-01 | v3.7 | Supports Audio File Health Check v1.5. Minor tweaks. |
2019-01-10 | v3.8 | Supports Audio File Health Check v1.6. |
2019-03-25 | v3.9 | Added a Version statement. |
2020-07-01 | v4.0 | Rewritten to run in immediate mode. Released to the Preview list. |
2020-07-01 | v4.1 | Various minor fixes. |
2020-09-13 | v4.2 | Added a documentation link. |
2020-10-26 | v4.3 | Provided a better error dialog when the action is run via the Batch Processor. |
2020-12-14 | v4.4 | New version test for Audio File Health Check v1.7. |
2022-11-01 | v5.0 | Cleaned up for newer capabilities in Yate. |
2024-01-02 | v6.0 | UI overhaul. |
2024-12-04 | v6.1 | Updated for AFHC v1.8. |