Application icon

Search Discogs/MusicBrainz


These actions are used to interactively search Discogs or MusicBrainz, attempting to match releases and import metadata. The action can be run in immediate mode or via the Batch Processor. Four actions are provided:

Search Discogs
The action you call to search Discogs.

Search MusicBrainz
The action you call to search MusicBrainz.

Search DCMB
This is a helper action and should not be directly called.

Search DCMB - Config
This is the configuration action. While it may be directly called, it is automatically called by Search Discogs and Search MusicBrainz if configuration has not occurred or if the Option key is held down when the actions start.


The following items are configurable:

File selection
You can choose to process only those files which are selected or all loaded files

File grouping
You can treat all files as a single release, group files by the Album field or group files based on folders. When running in the batch Processor the grouping mode is always based on folders

Inclusion constraints
You can choose to process all files; only those groupings which do not have a consistent non empty release ID; or only those groupings which have consistent release IDs and sufficient metadata to correctly identify track associations. Track associations for Discogs are specified by Discogs Release Ordinal Position and Track Position UDTIs. Track associations for MusicBrainz is specified by a MusicBrainz Recording Id UDTI.

Search results limit
The number of search results to be downloaded. You can select 25, 50, 75 or 100.

Extract Discogs Disc and Track counts
Unfortunately Discogs does not return disc and track counts when searching. This action can populate those fields but it takes one request per search result. You can elect to have the action get the additional information or not. When the extra information is being downloaded you will see a progress message on the main window's status bar. You can stop the downloading at any time by holding down the Option button until it stops.

Download additional metadata?
After selecting a match, IDs identifying the release will be imported. You can elect to download additional metadata.

Discogs import set
The import set to use when searching Discogs and downloading additional metadata. A set named Search Discogs Import Set is provided.

MusicBrainz import set
The import set to use when searching MusicBrainz and downloading additional metadata. A set named Search MusicBrainz Import Set is provided.

Release matching mode
This setting is only used when downloading additional metadata. You're only asked this question if you elected to import additional metadata. A loose matching should always work but can only download metadata which is not unique for each track. A mode of Match Tracks must match tracks in order to download per track metadata.

Import All Artwork
This setting controls how much artwork is imported. The options are Application Setting, Single Artwork Item or All Artwork Items.

Write skip indicators?
At various times when the action is running you can elect to skip a release. You have the option of writing UDTIs to the files so that subsequent runs can test for the skipped state. During execution, the UDTIs are removed if metadata is imported. The UDTIs are named Skipped by Search Discogs and Skipped by Search MusicBrainz. Note that some audio file formats will write the UDTIs all in upper case. The action accounts for this.

Ignore skip indicators
When executing you can choose to not process any track grouping which has a skipped UDTI in every track or to ignore the skipped UDTIs and process the files.

Auto save changes?
When running the action in immediate mode not saving the changes allows you to view what was imported and to revert the files if desired. When running in the Batch Processor, if you choose 'do not save', the changes will still be saved if the Batch Processor's Auto save files option is set.

Always show this panel?
When searching, this panel need not be displayed if the configuration is deemed to be complete. You can opt to always show the configuration panel.


The workflow proceeds as follows:

Content List:

Action: Search DCMB

Action: Search DCMB - Config

Action: Search Discogs

Action: Search MusicBrainz

Discogs Import Set: Search Discogs Import Set

Export Set: Search Discogs

Export Set: Search MusicBrainz

MusicBrainz Import Set: Search MusicBrainz Import Set


Yate v6.19


Date Version Information
2020-07-01 v1.0 Released to Preview list.
2020-07-07 v1.1 First general release.
2020-08-10 v1.2 Changes for Yate v6.0.1.
2020-09-13 v1.3 Added documentation link.
2021-04-01 v1.4 Uses new markup to make it easier to find mappings which are not 100%.
2021-04-03 v1.5 Added the Count column which displays a ✓ character if the Tracks column is equal to the actual file count
2021-05-18 v1.6 Added support for remapping and selecting the number of results.
2024-04-03 v2.0 Complete rewrite of the configuration.


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