Application icon

The Artwork Edit Panel

The Artwork panel is used to display and edit artwork for the current file selection. Note that this panel is only accessible if the current file selection contains tracks in the same folder, unless the Settings - File List Disable Artwork panel when tracks in multiple folders are selected, is not checked. Warning: It is inherently dangerous to edit artwork across albums. If you make changes to which images are included in the final set you might find that the order of the remaining images in the files has changed. This is due to the fact that Yate merges the display of common items when multiple files are being edited. When disabled due to the setting a lock icon will be displayed.

If the selected files contain more than one image a table will be displayed which presents the list of available images. If only one image is available, the table will be hidden.

The table displays the artwork found in the files currently selected. It also shows the order of the artwork in the files. (This tends to make more sense if a single file is selected). You may drag and drop the images to change their order. Note that the images can only be dragged when all of the artwork is in all of the files. If this is not the case, dragging makes no sense. Yate treats the first image in an audio file as the default image. Most audio applications will only display this image.

Duplicate identical artwork items, (same picture type, description and image data), are folded when more than one file is selected.

A status symbol will be displayed to the left of an image in the table. The context menu for the images has a submenu named Status Codes which describes each of the symbols. The context menu is used to perform functions on the selected item.

The current selected image is displayed larger to the right of the table. (If a table is not required, only the larger image will be visible). This is the image you are working on. Three pieces of information are displayed for the current image. The Mime type field describes the mime type of the image, usually image/jpeg or image/png, the dimensions of the image in pixels, the size of the image in kb and the PPI. If the displayed image is a progressive JPEG the mime type is displayed as image/jpeg*. This field is a read only field. The picture type field allows you to select one of the ID3 picture types to associate with the image. The description field is a short textual description of the image. The Description field should be unique for every image in an mp3 file. Only those files which initially contained the image will be modified.

If items are deleted or modified, you can view the originals by selecting the Initial values and/or the Editing state values options.

The following functions may be available from the context menu for the large image or table items. Unless otherwise mentioned, the are potentially available on both menus:

Get Info
Display a popup which presents the properties of the clicked artwork item.

View Options (large image only)
This submenu allows you to configure the following view options:

Hide Initial Values and Editing State Controls
When hiding the controls, they are disabled (unchecked).

Hide Artwork Information Fields
This option hides or shows the Mime type, Picture Type and Description rows. This allows you to maximize the space available for the image display.

Show Artwork Actions on a Submenu
This configures the large images's context menu to place Artwork actions on a submenu or inlne.

The first two view options can also be accessed by clicking (left or right click) on the status symbol associated with the current selected image. A menu containing the two view options will be displayed.

Add Artwork....
Choose an artwork item to add.

Set as Default
Make the selected item the default artwork item.

Apply to All Files
Apply the current item to all selected files

Normalize (table items only)
This menu allows you to normalize artwork items. The menu items are equivalent to the functionality of the Normalize Artwork statement with all picture types enabled.

Largest First (table items only)
The function makes the largest artwork item the default (first), for every track. The item is assigned a picture type of Cover (front).

Delete Artwork
Remove the selected artwork items

Delete all But Largest (table items only)
The artwork is normalized then all but the largest artwork item is deleted.

Remove Duplicates (table items only)
Duplicate artwork items are removed on a per track basis. An artwork item is a duplicate if its binary data exactly matches the binary data of another artwork item.

Recreate Item
When an item which is no longer in the file but is displayed as being in the initial or editing state is selected, you can recreate the item for the files which initially contained it.

Revert All to>Initial Values
Restore the initial artwork items for all selected files.

Revert All to>Editing State Values
Restore the editing state artwork items for all selected files.

Crop/Scale/Square Artwork...
Display a panel allowing you to crop, scale, square and re-encode the displayed image.

Save to Folder Icon
Save the selected item as an icon on the folder containing the selected files.

Save to Folder Icon of Chosen Folder...
Save the selected item as an icon on the chosen folder.

Save to folder.jpg
Save the selected item as folder.jpg in the same folder as the selected files.

Save to folder.jpg in Chosen Folder...
Save the selected item as folder.jpg in the chosen folder.

Save Artwork to...
If a single artwork item is selected, save the artwork item to a specified file. When saving artwork in this manner you can also modify the type of the artwork encoding, the dimensions of the item and optionally set the image to greyscale. If an image is being modified you can also elect to save a copy of the new image in all selected files.

If more than one artwork item is selected, save them to a specified folder. When saving artwork in this manner you can choose how the file names are constructed.

action name with leading icon
If you have any artwork actions defined in the Action Manager, they will appear on the context menu or on a submenu named Artwork Actions. Holding down the Option key while clicking on an action displays a menu which allows you to edit, locate or run the action.

Artwork can be copied from and pasted to the large image display.

In addition to the add artwork functions described above you can add artwork by dragging image files, audio files, any files containing a jpg or png image, or an image from any application or browser to the large image area. Icons can be extracted from folders by holding down the shift key and dragging a folder to the large image area.

You can also drag images and artwork files to the main file list. Be careful here as dragging an audio file to the main file list will not have the same effect as dragging it to the artwork tab.

Images can be dragged out of the large image display to any application which can receive dragged image data.

Images can be dragged out of the large image display directly to a Finder folder. The file will be named as follows:

If you want to save all the artwork items in the selected files, use an Artwork to Folder action statement. A simple action can be constructed which prompts for a destination folder and then saves the artwork.

You can search for artwork based on the metadata of the file by issuing an Artwork>Search for artwork... template. You can read more about this feature in Settings - Search Templates.

Occasionally a file will contain invalid artwork. Yate does lazy loads of artwork so it is possible that an image is only rendered after a file has been open for a while. Yate represents artwork items which cannot be rendered as images as a big red dot. Typically these images should be deleted.

Additional Information:

Opening files and the Open Mode ... Controlling what gets opened

The Main Window

The Current Selection, the Editing State, Red Light Green Light and What's With All Those Round Coloured Buttons

Multiple Items and Multiple Values

The Custom Panel Editor