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Discogs Wizard View Changes

This view displays a tree structure representing the differences between the Discogs values and the current values stored in the mapped files. Note that only information which will be imported is displayed. If an item in the Release Details view had the import only if empty state (mixed) and the file value was not empty, it will not be displayed in this view. Further, if an item has ben excluded on a per file basis, it will not be displayed in this view.

The Item column displays the name of the file or item displayed on a row.

The Import column initially displays the import setting associated with the item as set on the Release Details view. Note that the mixed state will never appear as if the changed value will not be imported it will not be displayed in this view.

The Current Value column displays the value currently present in a file.

The Discogs Value column displays the value present in the Discogs data.

Certain items such as artwork URLs which may have multiple values may have values in the Current column but not the Discogs column. If Import is selected for these items, the existing item will be removed.

The view's context menu allows you to expand or collapse tree elements. You can also open and copy URLS and save the changes to a file.



The result list

The release display

The artwork display

File mapping

Discogs Settings