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Replacing Custom Delimiter Bug?
CarlinSmithPostJuly 4, 2023, 09:26
Posts: 19
January 1, 2020, 15:15
Normal topicReplacing Custom Delimiter Bug?

I just happened to notice in the past day that all files I have edited with Yate in past what it appears to be two versions (For sure latest version) are changing writing out something different than what I see in the editor.

I have set my multi-item delimited as "; " (ignore quotes). I use this in two fields - artist and composer. Yate for years has written that to files exactly how I see it in the editor.

I now noticed Yate is replacing with two backslashes and I can't figure out what changed or how to get it back to the way it was? I may also need a script to search for these as now paranoid about how many files might have gotten changed in my 120K+ library.

Kind regards

2MR2PostJuly 4, 2023, 10:24
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August 23, 2012, 19:27
Normal topicReplacing Custom Delimiter Bug?

I've just set my multi-item delimiter to ";". I've stuffed the Artist and Composer fields with multiple items and have saved the test data all audio file types supported by Yate. The fields appear as expected. I've also checked the raw data in the files and they also appear as expected.

Something is different in your settings than mine.

Where are you seeing the two backslashes? In the fields after reloading?

Do a Yate>Export Preferences. Hit the All button then export as a zip. Email the zip file to support@2manyrobots.com and I'll have a look.

Also what audio file types are you seeing this in?

CarlinSmithPostJuly 4, 2023, 10:35
Posts: 19
January 1, 2020, 15:15
Normal topicReplacing Custom Delimiter Bug?

Just emailed preferences. Have seen this occur in FLAC, DSF, and Apple Lossless. Still trying to determine the exact pattern and repeatability.

To answer your question what I noticed is on my digital music transport the latest albums show a "|" between multiple artists where normally it is artist a; artist b. I then looked at the files in my on computer library (Swinsian) and it shows these artists with a space between. MP3 tag shows the \\ between the artists. If I hand edit them out with either of those programs they will be corrected. Oddly Yate shows them the same regardless of \\ or ; - always shows them as ; .

I can open files add a second artist in Yate and save and verify it writes them out with \\. Been using Yate for years so must have mistakenly set something that is causing the issue.

CarlinSmithPostJuly 4, 2023, 10:48
Posts: 19
January 1, 2020, 15:15
Normal topicReplacing Custom Delimiter Bug?

I should add the other software products may be showing things differently might be able to rule that out but definitely seeing differences on the downstream music transport which is the most important part of the chain for me.

CarlinSmithPostJuly 4, 2023, 10:53
Posts: 19
January 1, 2020, 15:15
Normal topicReplacing Custom Delimiter Bug?

I should add the other software products may be showing things differently might be able to rule that out but definitely seeing differences on the downstream music transport which is the most important part of the chain for me.

2MR2PostJuly 4, 2023, 11:04
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August 23, 2012, 19:27
Normal topicReplacing Custom Delimiter Bug?

I've loaded your preferences and everything works as expected with all audio types. You do not have an always run on save action and you do not have any advanced list settings enabled. You also do not seem to have any actions which modify the Artist or Composer fields. You do not have any Roon Audio settings enabled.

I need a step by step account of what you are doing to get two backslashes as opposed to a ; ... and where you are seeing them.

By the way, your multi-item delimiter is <semi colon><space>, not <semi colon>

Technically there is nothing wrong with that but it's not a great idea as spaces are not always easy to see. If you manually enter a semi-colon and forget the space, Yate will not treat it as the delimiter.

I've just seen your last post. Where exactly are you seeing two backslashes? As you do not have any Roon settings enabled, FLAC and DSF will be completely standard. Your Preferences - Audio - MPEG-4 - Multi value write method is Single Atom. This is the iTunes/Music and most other application's preferred method but is in fact the worst as the multi item delimiters get written to the files. Some servers such as MinimServer require the setting to be Single Atom/ Multiple Data. As you do not have this setting, I guess you never hit the MinimServer preset button. The only files which have this issue are MPEG-4 files (AAC and ALAC).

So Again, I need to know: where are you seeing the two backslashes? Do they show as two backslashes in Yate?

There is an action on the resources web page named Dump Metadata. Download and install the action. Load up one file of each audio type that you are seeing the issue with. Select the files and run the Dump Metadata action. Email me the produced zip file. I have a utility which can recreate the audio files (without the audio).

CarlinSmithPostJuly 4, 2023, 11:09
Posts: 19
January 1, 2020, 15:15
Normal topicReplacing Custom Delimiter Bug?

Thanks for quick reply doing some more debugging/trial/error to try to get a repeatable pattern. The double slashes were being shown my MP3tag which I rarely ever use and discovered that is the default for a delimiter in that program. Will be back in touch shortly

CarlinSmithPostJuly 4, 2023, 11:27
Posts: 19
January 1, 2020, 15:15
Normal topicReplacing Custom Delimiter Bug?

I just emailed two dumps. A album with correctly formed metadata for my setup with three artists each separated by ;<space>. I removed one of the three artists and re-saved and it appears the ;<space> is being replaced by a single period if I read the dump correctly. This is now easily repeatable if open any file and make changes during write out this transformation occurs.

2MR2PostJuly 4, 2023, 11:51
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Posts: 2085
August 23, 2012, 19:27
Normal topicReplacing Custom Delimiter Bug?

So here's the results. The good files were not last edited by Yate or the multi-item delimiter was not <semi colon><space> when they were written. The multi item delimiter is being written to the files as opposed to it being encoded properly for the ID3 specification. (Used by DSF files)

Example: Skylark.dsf (in the good dump)

00000028 00000082 00000054 (0000T3) TPE1
627220600: 54 50 45 31 00 00 00 2c 00 00 03 43 61 73 73 61 6e 64 72 61 |TPE1...,...Cassandra|
627220620: 20 57 69 6c 73 6f 6e 3b 20 4a 69 6d 20 44 65 61 6e 67 65 6c | Wilson; Jim Deangel|
627220640: 69 73 3b 20 54 6f 6e 79 20 53 69 67 6e 61 |is; Tony Signa |

TEP1 is the artist tag in ID3. Notice that the <semi-colon><space> text is in the data. This is blatantly incorrect. In ID3v2.4 multiple items are separated by a binary 0.

Example: Skylark.dsf (in the bad dump)

00000028 00000069 00000041 (0000T3) TPE1
627220600: 54 50 45 31 00 00 00 1f 00 00 03 43 61 73 73 61 6e 64 72 61 |TPE1.......Cassandra|
627220620: 20 57 69 6c 73 6f 6e 00 4a 69 6d 20 44 65 61 6e 67 65 6c 69 | Wilson.Jim Deangeli|
627220640: 73 |s |

This version, written by Yate with a <semi colon><space> delimiter is correctly formed. Notice the binary 0 between Wilson and Jim

As Yate has been encoding multi-item ID3v2.4 fields exactly the same since 2012, I can only surmise that the so called good files were not tagged with Yate ... or the Multi-Item delimiter was not <semi colon><space> when the files were written.

If the 'good' files are displaying properly on your streamer, it is implicitly looking for a semi-colon. If the 'bad' files are not being displayed correctly, the streamer is not properly decoding ID3v2.4 data. The spec has been around for about 20 years now.

CarlinSmithPostJuly 4, 2023, 12:00
Posts: 19
January 1, 2020, 15:15
Normal topicReplacing Custom Delimiter Bug?

I am going to download a fresh DSF from original source and then edit strictly with Yate as I should have chosen a different sample as have been manipulating the files I took the dump from all morning. My normal usage is download or rip and editing only with Yate. Appreciate all the help thus far.

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