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couple Discogs Whiz question
downbeat8PostJuly 14, 2024, 19:16
Posts: 51
October 5, 2014, 04:55
Normal topiccouple Discogs Whiz question

1) Is there a way to have Discogs Wizard import ALL the words listed for Genre? Right now it will import the first word but if there is a comma with another word or two after it does not import those.
2) how do I import the Style metadata from Discogs?
3) Sometimes after using dicogs wizard to import metadata the option to view discogs release is not there. once the option to view discogs artist was available but not the release.
any ideas?


2MR2PostJuly 14, 2024, 20:11
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Posts: 2149
August 23, 2012, 19:27
Normal topiccouple Discogs Whiz question

1) Settings>Discogs>General. Make sure Ignore all but first genre is not checked

2) The Style is placed in the Mood field. Optionally you can have genres placed there as well. Settings>Discogs>General - Merge genres into mood.

If both the above settings are not checked, you will get all genres in Genre and styles in Mood.

3) As long as you have a release id and/or release url imported, the Show Discogs Release menu item should be available. The only way I can see this failing is if the release id and/or release url are not consistent across all selected files.

downbeat8PostJuly 30, 2024, 16:51
Posts: 51
October 5, 2014, 04:55
Normal topiccouple Discogs Whiz question

perfect thanks

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