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Multiple tests on beulk files
custa1200PostAugust 30, 2024, 12:15
Posts: 12
July 30, 2020, 02:33
Normal topicMultiple tests on beulk files

Hi I am trying to clean up my library so that if an album has a catalog number that I retrieve from Discogs I want to put it on the front of the album. But if there is no catalog number nothing should exit in front, and if I have flagged it as a compililation I also don't want the catalog to be added. I am trying to do with the following but I am getting unexpected (I know I am doing something wrong) behaviour when running across bulk files that meet one of more of the things I test against.

' Add Catalog to the Album·
Test if the Album field does not match regular expression "^\[
^\[" (Set test state)
if true
    Run action 'Add Catalog Number to Album' grouped

' Removes Catalogs for Compilations in Album
Test if the Part of a Compilation field is >= "1" (Set test state)
if true
    Replace "^\[.*?\]\s*", case insensitive, regular expression in the Album field with ""

' Removes empty Catalogs in Album
Test if the Album field starts with "[] " (Set test state)
if true
Replace "^\[\]\s", case insensitive, regular expression in the Album field with ""

custa1200PostAugust 30, 2024, 12:19
Posts: 12
July 30, 2020, 02:33
Normal topicMultiple tests on beulk files

Sorry this was a duplicate

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