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Flac and Initialkey-Tag
PowderPostMarch 11, 2014, 12:47
Posts: 116
March 4, 2013, 18:53
Normal topicFlac and Initialkey-Tag

I’m using the application KeyFinder (http://www.ibrahimshaath.co.uk/keyfinder/) to detect the musical keys in my audio files. When I’m using KeyFinder on MP3-files, the key will show up in Yate in the »Initial Key« field. However when I detect the key on Flac files, the »Initial Key« field in Yate is empty, but there is an item »INITIALKEY« in the »User Defined Text Information« section. I’m not sure if there is a standard field in Flac-tags like there is in MP3 (TKEY). Does Yate use a wrong field to store the key?


2MR2PostMarch 11, 2014, 14:06
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Posts: 2085
August 23, 2012, 19:27
Normal topicRe: Flac and Initialkey-Tag

I don't know of any default mapping for initial key in FLAC files. I have seen KEY used, which is what I built in to the default mappings. If your files have keys with a User Defined Text Info field of INITIALKEY, do the following:

Go to FLAC Mappings in preferences. Rename the KEY entry to INITIALKEY. They next time you load your files everything should appear as you expect.

PowderPostMarch 12, 2014, 08:24
Posts: 116
March 4, 2013, 18:53
Normal topicRe: Flac and Initialkey-Tag

Okay thanks!

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