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Need some enlightenment about the Musicbrainz function
cpkPostMarch 3, 2015, 07:56
Posts: 95
March 1, 2015, 02:55
Normal topicNeed some enlightenment about the Musicbrainz function

The help for the Access MusicBrainz says "Only folders where every track in the folder has the same MusicBrainz releaseID will be processed. Further, only those tracks which have a MusicBrainz recording ID and/or a MusicBrainz track ID will be processed."

That kind of poses a problem to access MusicBrainz with this function if I have not already accessed Musicbrainz with another app to get the info it would seem.

The Extract Earliest Release from AcoustID will give me the Musicbrainz Original Album ID and looking at a typical AcoustID Data field shows there are other IDs in there as well but I'm not really sure just what is what in that file. I'm going to have to study it a bit closer while using the Musicbrainz wizard on a single file to figure out how that is formatted. Too bad they use "id" for every id in there instead of something more descriptive.

So the question is this, assume I have a collection of files that don't have any Musicbrainz metadata but they all have an AcoustID Fingerprint. I can get the AcoustID Data (if it exists for the fingerprint - some of the Japanese stuff doesn't) and that gives me an ID that isn't even needed/used for the Access Musicbrainz function. What is the way to do this then using actions?

Or is this just something I can't do with actions and have to use the wizard which only lets me use Album and Artist fields both of which are not likely to be correct for any foreign language file I have since I move anything I can't read into Original Album, Original Artist, and Original Title (which is a custom field since I use Original Filename for literally the Original Filename). So, the wizard doesn't work for me without really changing my metadata in a way I don't want to. Until I am able to access the Musicbrainz Recording ID for each file I am also stopped from accessing Acousticbrainz to get the BPM data I want.

Any suggestions?

2MR2PostMarch 3, 2015, 08:32
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August 23, 2012, 19:27
Normal topicRe: Need some enlightenment about the Musicbrainz function

It is somewhat of a chicken and egg dilemma. We only support the batch access to MusicBrainz when there is little chance of you messing up your collection.

The AcoustID wizard will let you extract the correct MusicBrain Release ID (Album) and will even auto launch the release in the MusicBrainz wizard. Even with the fingerprinting, auto-extracting the release id from AcoustID while batch processing is disallowed as it has a possibility of error. Extracting the earliest release is considered benign as it will not change the release id which is far more meaningful. If you look at the AcoustID wizard you can see all the potential for pulling incorrect releases. At this point we'd much rather you make the decision than having us pull an incorrect release.

I agree the id names are terrible. We've been attempting to align the names with MusicBrainz usage (where there has also been some name changes).

cpkPostMarch 3, 2015, 17:47
Posts: 95
March 1, 2015, 02:55
Normal topicRe: Need some enlightenment about the Musicbrainz function

Hmm, I see, well, sort of anyway. But if you are going to allow pulling an earliest release why not allow the associated release id? And would not all of the releases have the same recording id? So why disallow pulling that? And wouldn't the track ID be known? But then it looks like the track ID and recording ID refer to the same thing. Yes these ID names are really a pain.

So, is a MusicBrainz Original Album ID that can be pulled with Extract Earliest Release the same thing as a MusicBrainz Release ID ?

2MR2PostMarch 3, 2015, 20:43
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Posts: 2085
August 23, 2012, 19:27
Normal topicRe: Need some enlightenment about the Musicbrainz function

Well the earliest release is simply based on the earliest release found in the list of potential matches returned by AcoustID. The information is stored in a separate UDTI and is never used to access information by any Yate function. Quite frankly if its incorrect its simply pointing to the wrong 'earliest' release. The release id is assumed to be correct and it is not always possible to pull the correct release if from the AcoustID data. There are in fact two different track ids and while we fixed the naming last release there is a couple of places in the AcoustID wizard that we could do better. There is a recording id and a release track id. They are similar but not quite the same.

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