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Retaining Forward-Slash Symbol In Rename Function
BlkTShirt74PostMarch 13, 2015, 20:33
Posts: 5
March 9, 2015, 16:17
Normal topicRetaining Forward-Slash Symbol In Rename Function

First, I just want to say what an excellent program Yate has been for me over the last year or so. I'm just now really getting to dig into it, and I'm amazed at what it's capable of as far as batch changes, etc.

My question is this... I'm looking at renaming particular artist filenames, and have successfully set up a rename template for this. However, I'm running across the following issue, and hoping there is something I can implement to correct it. I'm wanting to achieve the following filename structure on the example below:

09 Björk - Sonnets / Unrealities XI

Yate is changing to:

09 Björk - Sonnets - Unrealities XI

Is there something I can set in place for Yate to recognize and keep the forward slash instead of replacing it with a dash? I am using a Mac (10.10.2), if that makes any difference. Thank you so much for any help you can provide.

2MR2PostMarch 13, 2015, 20:42
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August 23, 2012, 19:27
Normal topicRe: Retaining Forward-Slash Symbol In Rename Function

While in theory a / character is valid in a Mac filename many api calls fall apart in their inability to differentiate a / path separator from a / text character. In order to get around these issues Yate disallows the / as well as the : character.

I could revisit this as some point in the future but there are more than likely hundreds if not thousands of test points that would have to be looked at. 🙁

The - replacement is not fixed. You can choose to replace / and : characters to whatever you specify in 'Preferences - General - Invalid Character Substitution'.

Sorry I don't have a better answer for you.

BlkTShirt74PostMarch 13, 2015, 21:16
Posts: 5
March 9, 2015, 16:17
Normal topicRe: Retaining Forward-Slash Symbol In Rename Function

Thank you for the quick answer! And that makes total sense. It sounds like I would actually be better off running a batch to have all "/" replaced in the filenames. Thanks again and have an excellent weekend.

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