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Retrieve artwork for different albums / batch artwork collection
mylistservesPostNovember 16, 2016, 04:55
Posts: 3
November 15, 2016, 22:02
Normal topicRetrieve artwork for different albums / batch artwork collection

Forgive me for what may be a simple question to a learned group.

I am trying to retrieve artwork for multiple albums from a single artist, by highlighting all tracks and selecting 'artwork search'. But this returns the error 'multiple albums selected', so I revert to collecting the artwork for each album separately.

As I am patching up a collection with 1000+ albums, I'd really like to collect artwork automatically for all albums. Question: is there a way to do this?

I've tried running the action 'Batch Look for Missing Artwork', but with no success (because of the musicbrainz reach out, and I'm on a mac that won't let me install musicbrainz).

Thanks also for a great application - it's by far the best for my needs!


2MR2PostNovember 16, 2016, 07:18
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August 23, 2012, 19:27
Normal topicRe: Retrieve artwork for different albums / batch artwork collection

It's not really a simple question and the answer is convoluted. The gist of it is that we are really not believers in automated artwork lookups. Artwork is the outward facing component of our collections and I'd prefer to have no artwork rather than incorrect artwork.

The Auto-Search functionality is the only exception to the above opinion that we've implemented. When it finds the correct artwork, its great as the artwork tends to be large (up to 1500x1500). However, and it's a big however.... it can and does return totally incorrect artwork. For that reason we limit its usage to the UI and a single album at a time.

I'm not sure what you mean by "install MusicBrainz". It is not required to install any MusicBrainz components on your Mac. Retrieving music via MusicBrainz, DIscogs and Fanart.tv always returns the correct artwork..... if available and it may not be the best. They are all ID based and if your collection is not ID tagged in any way it may be more work than getting the artwork.

Personally when I was tagging my collection I did my albums one at a time. I always tried Auto-Search first and if that failed, or returned an incorrect result, I use a Google search for large artwork. The Templates section of the Resources area has a download link for various Google searches. I still maintain that the best overall resource for artwork is Google.

I know it's not the answer you wanted to hear 🙁

mylistservesPostNovember 18, 2016, 04:00
Posts: 3
November 15, 2016, 22:02
Normal topicRe: Retrieve artwork for different albums / batch artwork collection

Thanks a lot for the comprehensive and frank answer.

I don't share your concern with automated artwork lookups; I'd expect to have to go through each album with a fine-tooth comb and 'manually' attach the best artwork. But I appreciate the committment you have to reach a common end.

I can't write my own script but will look out for ones others may write - or do it one-by-one as everyone else.

All the best!

2MR2PostNovember 18, 2016, 10:36
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August 23, 2012, 19:27
Normal topicRe: Retrieve artwork for different albums / batch artwork collection

You can try this simple little action. It tries fingerprinting the tracks and doing a somewhat loose match which is all you really need for the artwork. It will attempt to get artwork from the Cover Art Archive, Discogs and Fanart.tv. It will only keep a single artwork item (the largest) . ... and it does not automatically save the changes. If you're happy with the results, Save the changes.

The action works interactively or through the Batch Processor and is not tied to a single album.

Download the action at:


Unzip the file and import it by dragging the unzipped plist to the main window file list area. (Or do a Yate>Import Preferences). You will now have an action named:


Load up some files, select them and run the action.

mylistservesPostNovember 20, 2016, 13:39
Posts: 3
November 15, 2016, 22:02
Normal topicRe: Retrieve artwork for different albums / batch artwork collection

Hey that's fantastic. The action worked perfectly, on my first batch of 8 albums (4 of which already had artwork).

I really appreciate it!

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