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Renamed file doesnt stick in iTunes after restart
lightwavePostSeptember 9, 2017, 13:55
Posts: 8
December 31, 2016, 17:21
Normal topicRenamed file doesnt stick in iTunes after restart

I rename a music file from 01 foo.mp3 to 01-01 foo.mp3 using a rename template. Because the file is linked in iTunes, iTunes was open in the background when I load the file into Yate. After the rename, iTunes will pick up the renamed file via file system watch. However, if I close iTunes and start it up again, the file will be shown as missing. So, it looks like iTunes didn't have the new file name updated in its database.

My question would be, how do I ensure that Yate update iTunes's database to have the new renamed filename? Shouldn't Yate have done that automatically if the file is linked?

Thanks for any help.

2MR2PostSeptember 9, 2017, 14:27
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August 23, 2012, 19:27
Normal topicRe: Renamed file doesnt stick in iTunes after restart

It's the iTunes Preferences-Advanced option called Keep iTunes Media folder organized option that's messing things up.

If you're going to use Yate to manage your iTunes metadata it is almost mandatory that you do not allow iTunes to keep your media folder organized. When iTunes organizes your media files, it will automatically rename and move your files around as it sees fit. Renaming and/or moving files in Yate may not stick if iTunes goes and changes the file names/locations after the fact. Another disadvantage of the Keep iTunes media folder organized option is that iTunes may split album contents into disjoint folders depending on the metadata. The only practical approach to album organization is regardless of your folder structure, the tracks of an album are in a single folder. You disable the keep media folder organized option in iTunes by unchecking the setting in iTunes Advanced Preferences.

2MR2PostSeptember 9, 2017, 14:31
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August 23, 2012, 19:27
Normal topicRe: Renamed file doesnt stick in iTunes after restart

.... and iTunes relying on watched files does not always work on external or network drives. To get around the issue, Yate force feeds the new file path to iTunes when linked and renaming occurs.

lightwavePostSeptember 9, 2017, 14:48
Posts: 8
December 31, 2016, 17:21
Normal topicRe: Renamed file doesnt stick in iTunes after restart

I don't have "Keep iTunes media folder organized" checked. But renaming files don't always get updated in iTunes. What I'm seeing is that Yate "force feeds the new file path" doesn't always work. I have yet identified the exact condition that it'd fail to work. If you have any idea, please let me know so I can try to reproduce and confirm that I might have some other configuration set incorrectly.

2MR2PostSeptember 9, 2017, 15:01
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August 23, 2012, 19:27
Normal topicRe: Renamed file doesnt stick in iTunes after restart

If you are not getting error messages, the file paths are being (at least silently) accepted by iTunes. If iTunes doesn't like the location, you get a 'setting new location' error.

My basic workflow action that I've been using for years, renames and I'm not having any issues. There are lots of users out there which rename while linked so I expect that something else is going on. It may be possible that your library is corrupt. It's not great to hear but I've had more than a few users who have had to rebuild their library in order to get things stable.

Is it possible that you have more than one item in the iTunes database with exactly the same Artist, Album and Title metadata? (ie. duplicates in metadata). If there is more than one, it is somewhat variable as to which one will be updated. Further it can create linking issues. If your iTunes database has duplicates, the issue can be resolved by linking by PID as opposed to metadata.

Try this on one of the files which is failing:

- drag the track from iTunes into Yate...the track will be linked.
- rename in Yate

If it is now okay in iTunes then more than likely the above duplicate scenario is playing out.

2MR2PostSeptember 9, 2017, 15:03
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August 23, 2012, 19:27
Normal topicRe: Renamed file doesnt stick in iTunes after restart

Sorry I missed something. If iTunes shows the correct location and loses it when closed then re-opened. It is possible that iTunes is having issues writing its database. This can be a privilege or corruption issue. Certainly if iTunes shows the correct location after the rename and reverts after re-opening, something is wrong external to Yate.

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