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Artist, Album Artist, Composer Surname sorting actions - supports multiple!
sophistochePostDecember 22, 2017, 23:43
Posts: 5
December 23, 2017, 04:11
Normal topicArtist, Album Artist, Composer Surname sorting actions - supports multiple!

Here are some actions I wrote for translating names of Artists, Album Artists and Composers to "Last Name, First Name, ..." form.

It supports multiple people in the fields, all will be sorted in this fashion. If you'd prefer the format "LN1, FN1; LN2, FN2;...", you can easily change the delimiter used to append to the field.

Only the part after the last whitespace for each artist will be placed first - "Johann Sebastian Bach" > "Bach, Johann Sebastian".

Orchestra or ensemble names with whitespace will be sorted - these have to be corrected manually, as there's no real way to detect the difference between an ensemble name and a person's name.

Download from Github:

2MR2PostDecember 23, 2017, 04:17
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August 23, 2012, 19:27
Normal topicRe: Artist, Album Artist, Composer Surname sorting actions - supports multiple!

Neat. If you want to post the actions in the User Contributed area, do a Smart Export and email us the zipped plist file. We'll post them 🙂

It's possible that the files were already included but the forum has some challenges with the uploading of files.

sophistochePostDecember 23, 2017, 20:00
Posts: 5
December 23, 2017, 04:11
Normal topicRe: Artist, Album Artist, Composer Surname sorting actions - supports multiple!

Finally got Github to play ball 🙂
The plist file is there now, I'll email them along!

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